chatper 27 - gun shot

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Jasons POV

I started to panic... Well I have been panicking for the past 6 hours, here I am still at Julian's apartment incase she returns. The police and my men can't grab ahold of where they could be. When I find out who's behind this I'm gonna rip the persons head off and give it to the dog to chew. *Knock knock*

I open the door in hope it was Julian... there stood my children and my father in law.

"Omg you guys are here are you guys ok?... Where's Julian?"

"She destracted the kidnapper away so we could get out of danger and----"

"What the FUCK, father do you at least know who it is?"

"I think it's her old boyfriend"

"Quick come in, oh my children are you guys alright?"

"Mr save our mummy, they hurt me and is hurting mummy..."

To my realisation I see a clear red hand mark across Jordan face.
"Son of a bitch, how dare he lay his filthy hand on my children and wife?"

"Mr what do you mean children"

"Not now baby, I'll tell you everything later, now I need to find these assholes and teach them a god damn lesson"

"I know where they are and it's not just Julian's old boyfriend but another extremely wealthy man, I have never seen him before thoug---"

"It must be fucking JOSEPH, THAT PIECE OF SHIT, quick give me the address father and I'll send it to polices, I'll head on now... Please look after my children carefully and do not open the door no matter what!"

"Don't worry son I got you, please bring my dauyght back safe and sound"

I head to my car and called the police to let them know that I'm on my way to the address. Stupidly I should have thought of the consequences not bring some sort of weapon with me to fight but all was in my mind was Julian and how to bring her back safely.

I arrived at the destination, though I parked the car further away so they don't realise that I'm here. I walk up to the warehouse and I hear yelling... Omg my baby is getting hurt SON OF A BITCH! Without any hesitation I storm inside and punched Justin in the face. There I saw Julian tied to a chair.

"SON OF A BITCH!!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY WOMAN!!" And then another one of my hands fly's into his face. Then someone grabs me by the neck...

"Well well well, look who we have here 'Romeo and Juliet' well, there hasn't been an ending yet, Romeo has to die"

"Don't you fucking touch me or my wife Joseph you bastard!"

"Don't touch him please, I will stay with you I swear."

"Shut up Julian you have no say in this---"

"You shut up and let her speak... So Julian do you accept the deal or not?"

At this point I want to shove my shoe in his mouth but he caught me and tied me up with the help of Justin. Wait wait wait what deal wtf .

"Yes I accept let him go"


"You need to let me go Jason, please sign the divo----"

"No, never! Do you hear me? NEVER!!!!"

"Stop being so stubborn Jason it's for the best"

"Shut up both of yous, I had enough of hearing your love story now you sign the papers or I will cut your fingers."

"Cut them, it's better for me so I don't have to sign the divorce papers you dumb son of a---" a punch comes right my way as I was going curse at him.

"STOP STOP PLEASE" Julian yells as she sees me in pain, but then Justin comes in with a gun...

"I think I found a solution Joseph" he half smiles handing the fun to Joseph.

"This was easier than I thought, say goodbye world before I pull the lever..."

"I love you hone----" *BANG*

I open my eyes to realisation that im ok... Then I look up and see Julian frozen as she falls down blood running like a river. The bullet hit right through her stomach.

"AHHHHHHHHH" I yell not being able to do anything as I see my love of my life die Infront of my eyes, I turn around seeing both the assholes run out.

"Julian Julian... Please please please don't close your eyes no matter what"

"AHHHHHHHHH" I scream trying to get out of the knot.

"Jason, stop that, you---your jusssstt hhuurtting yourself"

"No no baby you need to stay strong I swear the polices are on their way ok and when they do you will be saved... Please hang on think about our children baby" I keep motivation and trying to keep her occupied from closing her eyes and hoping the fucking polices can hurry the fuck up, oh I try to wriggle to get near her...

"You can't leave me, we just got back together, we haven't don't anything yet, please don't leave me and our babies in this cruel world. You need to be by my side until we grow old..." Tears are running down my face as I know no matter what I do I can't get out of this stupid fucking knot.

"I LOVE YOU" Julian's last words as she slowly closes her eyes.



OMG they are finally here, in come polices as they rush to see Julian's lifeless body on the grown tied to a fucking chair.

"Please save her please quickly being her to the hospital." I see men picking her up saying she's still breathing, I sigh in relief and then leaving the room... another man untie me. Before I know it I run after them getting to the police car as Julian lays on my lap.

*Whispers* "baby everything's gonna be alright, you are going to be fine"

We finally arrive at the hospital as Julian gets sent straight to the emergency room. As they send her in I went in with them...

"Sir your not allowed in its agains---"

"That's my wife I need to be in there, let go of me" I run back in and then security come and forcefully pull me out.

"AHHHHHHHH" I scream again placing my head against the the door of the emergency room...

Authors note

Hey guys hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, oooooof that was tough trying to arrange everything, I almost cried, ALMOST not yet 😂 anyways love you all have a great day♥️

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