Chapter 3

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Megan got out of her dodge, wearing a sleeveless short black dress and tight blue denim jacket, and hair open. she looked gorgeous, thought Josh, as he stared at her blankly. she got closer to him in front of the school gate, where he was already standing up with one of his hands on the gate and the other one inside his leather jacket pocket. "Madison...great to see you" said Josh nervously, while his friends judging the situation. "hey Josh, see you at class." Megan shyly smiled and said and went inside the school. "Dude you got a bonerrrrr. you got a thing for this chick? hot damn she hot." said Chuck, one of Josh's friends. "dude fuck off." Josh said humorously.


Scott was sitting in front of Megan. "Mads guess what, my parents are out of town, so i am having a party two days later, wanna come over?" said Scott. "i'd love to. thanks josh...i mean, Scott."  said Megan. "woah, i see Josh has distracted you. spill the tea" said Scott with a bit of jealousy. "no no, it's nothing, it's just i was kind of thinking about him, that's it. i accidentally said it, now get over it." Megan said and smiled. until she saw Josh Jeffersen in his leather jacket,  got in and sat right behind her. "what's up Madison, what's on today's agenda?" Josh said. "we are going to start with differentiation problems today, bring your  textbook for god's sake  Jacob." said Madison and smiled . "Gosh Megan, don't call me that, and anyways, i like using your textbooks. oh and we're going to watch a proper movie today okay, i am bringing one.". Josh smirked and said. Scott was raging with jealousy, he wanted to kill Josh with his bare hands. "oh really Jeffy, what proper movie are we gonna watch? fifty shades of gray?" Megan laughed. Josh couldn't help  but  laugh. he noticed how beautiful her laugh was. "you guessed it right babe." Josh smiled. "oh you are despicable." Megan said with sass.

turns out, Mr Wilde is absent and the substitute left the room briefing all the students to stay inside the class but they can do whatever they want. Josh leaned toward Megan and said quietly, "i am sorry about yesterday, it was just a joke." "It was just a joke? Are you fucking kidding me? you are fucking obnoxious." Megan exclaimed and scott heard it. "no...not...exactly a..joke...jesus Megan, get over it." Josh said weirdly. "You know what, from today onward, i'll just teach you math, nothing more, don't expect me to either talk, let alone watching movies. you make me sick." Megan said disappointingly. "Everything alright Megs? what did that bastard do?" scott said loudly enough so that it can reach Josh's ears. Scott then held Megan's hand suddenly, making josh flaming with anger and Megan surprised. she quickly managed to let go from his grip. "What the fuck Scott, can't you just fuck someone else?" Josh said angrily and stood up and held Scott's shirt's collar. Scott pushed him, however failed to make Josh move even a bit. "Jesus, guys, please calm down. Josh come with me please." Megan said shakily and gripped Josh's hand through his leather jacket and pulled it towards herself. Josh felt different when she touched him, it suddenly reduced his anger. Megan held josh's hand and went outside the class in the empty corridor. "Josh, what is wrong with you, why do you keep getting into fight with scott? can't you just leave him alone?" Megan said disappointingly and she let go of his hand. "Megan, i did not mean that, it wasn't a joke to me." Josh said quietly. "then why did you say it?."

"i'l  see you today, i have to go." Josh said and left the school.

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