chapter 8

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"woah, you seem to be in a happy mood." Megan remarked being surprised. he finally let go of her and said, "You make me so happy. always." Megan smiled and hugged him. "now tell me what you wanna prove with this sudden care for your best friend." she asked. "I just wanna say how sorry I am, hence the hug. oh and picking you up. I could do that again if you like." Scott said. she laughed and said, "okay one more time and I forgive you." he picked her up again with exhilaration and hugged her tightly. "wow, good one." Megan said and laughed. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said those things to josh. I really am. but listen, you're my best girl and I'll do anything to protect you." Scott said. she smiled and replied, "I know, that's why you are my best friend in the whole world."

Scott exclaimed, "so we're cool?" Megan said," oh we're so beyond cool. in fact we are hot." Scott laughed in a cute manner. "it's been so long since we hung out. you always seem to be with josh now a days." he said. Megan replied," well he's fun to hang out with actually, and once you get to know him, he can be real nice." Scott smiled and said, "that's cool. no hard feelings for him." she said, "Scotty you're my best friend, I'll always be here for you, but him.... I'm just trying to figure him out you know." "I think he likes you." Scott said. she replied, "I'm not so sure about that. it's so complicated, like I don't know what he wants." he said," well whatever about him. you look crazily beautiful." "ooh thank you, sir." Megan laughed. "remember we used to play all those stupid role plays when we were kids?" Scott asked still smiling. "yeah totally, I always was the elegant noble woman and you, the handsome bachelor." She replied. Scott laughed. "gosh, I missed you, come here." they both hugged.

josh saw through his dark room, what was going on. Scott came by and picked Megan up in the air and hugged her. that too twice. and then they were laughing. they hugged again. he thought to himself, "what the fuck is that son of a bitch doing with megan? why was he hugging her? i can't handle seeing anyone getting this close to megan except me. i want her. i will kill scott tomorrow." these random thoughts were spiraling around his mind. Josh had never felt jealousy this much before. as much as he loved seeing megan laughing, he hated the fact that he was not the one to make her laugh. he saw how her mood lit up after seeing scott, even though he said stupid things to josh. the audacity.

"why can't you hangout with me tomorrow megs?" Scott asked innocently "actually josh wants me to hangout with me tomorrow. it's kind of a date." she answered truthfully. "see i told you he likes you." megan said," like i said, it's complicated." he asked, "the question is.. do you like him?" "good question. i think i do, but he doesn't like me." she answered. "if he didn't like you i'm sure he wouldn't have asked you out on a date." he said. she again replied, "well there was this moment, actually four moments where, we..had uhh..the opportunity to kiss..." he said, "oh come on megs spill it." megan said, "yeah okay, so i backed away the first time, thinking he was a player and was playing some sort of game." he replied, "let me guess, he backed away the second and third time, when you wanted to kiss him." Megan gasped and said loudly, "exactly, what the fuck, how did you know?" scott smiled apologetically and said," I'm a guy, i know what he was thinking. and i'm guessing you backed away the fourth time?" Megan shouted, "yes!" scott laughed.

"megs, i know you very well. listen i think what happened between you too was, you thought he was just messing around the first time, so you backed away, hence he thought you did not like him and he didn't deserve you hence he backed away the next times and then when he was finally ready to kiss you, you just gave up on him." he said. Megan kept staring at him and processing what he just said. "i think you might be absolutely right. fuck man, wow." she said. he smiled. "so what do you wanna do? date him?" he asked. she answered, " I don't think he dates." "well megan, i couldn't care about him any less, i think it's up to you, what you want." he said genuinely. she smiled. Scott abruptly said, "say Megan, you're single right? i mean it's not like anything is going on between you and josh, right?"

Megan smiled suspiciously and said, "yes, scotty." he smiled and said, "so you're single and hot." megan laughed and whispered, "where are you going with this?" Scott smirked and said, "so you know i am single too. do you think i'm hot?" Megan burst into laughter, embarrassing scott. "of course my scotster, in fact i had a crush on you." she said and stopped laughing. "so you're single and hot, i'm single and hot. see the connection there?" Scott asked with a big smirk. "where the fuck are you going with this huh?" Megan again started laughing.

"all i'm saying is, i think we should go on a date." Scott remarked. Megan started blushing, which Scott noticed, that made him shy. "Oh my scotty, i never thought you'd ask this. we should definitely go, being hot and single you know." she winked., thinking it would be just a friendly date. although she had feelings for him, but she still considers him her best friend, and her heart still beats about josh. "okay then, I'll see you next Monday. it's a date! wow. i can't believe i actually managed to ask you out." he said. "i'm so excited, we've never been on a date before right?" she asked. "nope, the first time." he replied. he again spoke, "alright megs, i should go, it's 1 am already, people are gonna think we're sleeping with each other." megan laughed and said, "aw you're so cute, you still can't say sex, can you?" he laughed and said, "sleeping with each other sounds more formal and less awkward you know." the both laughed.

while they were reaching for the door he said, "bye megs, i'm so excited for our date, i'll pick you up at 8pm, ok?" "Deal. can't wait." she replied. while leaving, Scott suddenly touched Megan's jaw and pushed away her her and kissed her cheek very slowly. "Oh scotty." Megan smiled. he left. she felt something different. how different scott was from josh. how much more sweet and understanding he was. how he did not piss her off or make her feel sorrow or regret. he was uncomplicated. but when she thought about josh, all she could know was, he challenged her, drove her crazy, made her feel wild and free, made her hungry for the taste of his lips and made her feel alive.

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