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Kenny ( Shoota)

I can't believe this shit I woke up and all of Cartier stuff was gone everything

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I can't believe this shit I woke up and all of Cartier stuff was gone everything. It's like she was never here. I knew she would leave before I got up she doesn't like good byes. I just feel so guilty I tried so many times to get her to leave Jay. But she stayed I even beat his ass for putting her in the hospital but she went right back to his ass. She even stop speaking to me over that shit. I had to explain to her that I've been protecting her since she was little and why would she even thinks it's okay for a nigga to hurt her.

No matter how many times I tried to get her to leave she went back. Now I feel kind of guilty because that day she call me but I was busy with Chance and we was handling business we had turned our phone off. I didn't know what happened until the next day and I was devastated. Jayla was like my niece he'll like my damn daughter I loved that little girl. The one day she needed me to protect them I wasn't there and I feel like I've let them down. I promise since we were little that I would always protect her and I let that happen to her. Now she gone and I won't be able to protect her.

I got up and went into the kitchen where I know she had the breakfast at. I seen a envelope with my name on it and her phone next to the envelope. I instantly got mad why would she leave her phone knowing she promised she call me. I don't know what the fuck Cartier was thinking but I need to find her and find her fast. I slowly opened the envelope I was nervous about reading it I wasn't ready to read what she was about to say.

Dear Kenny, I'm sorry best friend but I have to leave I'm sad but I have to go. I wasn't getting no better staying there I felt helpless. I've been sniffing coke for a while now and I'm slowly getting addicted to it. I know your going to be pissed at me but I needed something to help me cope. I know you feel guilty about not being there that day for me and Jayla but don't beat yourself up about it. It's not your fault I should have left Jay a long time ago. You've done so much for me Kenny I'm beyond grateful I really am. But I have to be on my own now. Sad to say I don't know when I'm going to come back. I know I said I'll call you but I don't want to speak to anyone. I'm sorry I am hopefully you understand. I'm going back home to my daddy it's what's best. I'm tired of being weak I'm tired of getting beat on for no reason. I'm tired of closing my eyes seeing my daughter get killed over and over I'm just tired. I'm tired of being scared to go outside afraid that Jay will get me. I have to move on and for me to move on I had to leave and go back home. I will be back I just don't know when. As soon as I'm doing better I will come back I promise. I love you best friend and you need to find a girlfriend stop worrying about me I'm okay.

I hope she knows I'm still worried about her especially since I can't get in contact with her and knowing Cartier she won't be back for a while. I hope what ever she doing she gets better I hated what she became. She definitely wasn't herself and her doing coke I knew when she was younger but I made her stop that shit. Cartier is a pretty woman who doesn't deserve what she's been through I feel bad for her. Everyone always think me and her mess around but we never has. We've been friends for forever I know she's been hurt and I'm not trying to hurt her more. I know I'm not the breasted nigga and I would never want to put her in any situation.

I hope she comes back the Cartier I know but something telling me she doing to be different.

I hope she comes back the Cartier I know but something telling me she doing to be different

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"Cartier I thought I'll never see you again. I missed you." I ran and jumped onto my dad I missed him a lot.

"I missed you dad. I'm sorry for running away with Jay I should of listened."

"I'm not mad baby as long as your okay. Kenny told me everything I'm hurt about what happened."

"I don't want to talk about that dad I just want to move in with my life. I don't want to be sad anymore I want to be happy."

"Okay let's go home."

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