A step closer

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"Uncle Roman why are you here?" At first I was shock and speechless because I wasn't expecting him. But I quickly pulled myself together.

"I came here to see you. I've missed you I know you missed me." I smiled thinking about how he think I really miss him. Little do he know he falling right into my plan.

"You know I missed you. Come inside my mom and dad isn't here."

"I know it's they're date night." He came in and sat on the couch in the living room. I went and sat right next to him. In order for me to get this done and over with I need to be as comfortable as possible.

"So you miss me or you miss the things we use to do together." I swear before my brain process what I just said it was already coming out my mouth.

"Both you know you were my favorite out of anyone." I laughed he must really think I'm dumb well I was back then but I'm not now.

"I don't believe that. If I was your favorite then why hurt me the most?" I wanted to know his answer.

"I don't know I think because I knew we could never be together out in the open. I had to push you away because I was falling deeper and deeper in love with you. And you are my niece so I knew I had to stop."

"Well if I'm your niece the why the fuck did you ever start. I mean I was young and stupid clueless as to everything that was going on. Once I realize that it was wrong it was to late I was in love with you. No matter what you did I was still in love with you."

"I'm sorry but your older now it's your choice as to what you want to do. I truly miss us together." I rolled my eyes at this bullshit but he exactly where I want him at.

"I miss us together as well." I wanted to throw up in my mouth saying that but I have to play this part. "How about this how about we have dinner tomorrow night and we can spend time together."

"I like that idea. Meet me at our old Brazilian steakhouse we use to go to at 8." He got up from the couch and walk towards the front door. "Don't be late." He opened the door and left. I needed to mentally prepared myself for this.

It was now midnight and I snuck out the house so my parents don't bombard me with questions. I was watching uncle Roman in his home right now. I followed him earlier after he left my house he didn't go right home. I know where he lives at but instead he went to some other house and a girl about my age was pregnant standing at the door waiting for him. I watch them for the whole two hours he was there.

He just can't stay to one woman I bet his wife doesn't even know he had another girl or even a baby on the way. But you know what I did I took pictures and I'm going to print them out and send them to her Anonymously. She needs to leave him she doesn't need to be faithful to a man like that.

We arrived at the dinner separately he was there before me I was a few minutes late

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We arrived at the dinner separately he was there before me I was a few minutes late. He was at the table on his phone he didn't even notice me until I sat down.

"Didn't I tell you not to be late Cartier." I just remain quiet. "I know you fucking heard what I just said." He said it a little louder then before.

"I'm here now ain't I. If you going to be like this all night I will leave now." I wasn't in the mood for his shit tonight.

"Then leave bitch I don't care I can just have one of my other bitches come." I got up and grabbed my purse and walked away before I shoot him in this restaurant. I walked back to him though to say something. "I hope your wife leaves you once she looks at the pictures I sent her of you and your baby momma last night." He whole face changed into shock I bet his ass wasn't expecting that. I walked away and he was calling my name I completely ignored him I was truly thinking about killing him tonight.

I was waiting for valet to bring me my car when I felt someone standing behind me.

"If she leaves me I will hurt you Cartier and we all know just how weak you are. After all you couldn't save your own daughter." When he said that it felt like someone took a hammer and beat my heart with it. Why would he say something like that.

"You know that hurt but trust me when I say you will regret saying that to me. After all the only reason I came back was to kill you and I will kill you soon. Good thing I'm not weak anymore because before you could of broke me but now you can't. If I was you I would watch your back because I plan on telling my dad everything right before I kill you." Good thing valet pulled my car up I got into my car and drove off.

I will kill him first then tell my parents because my father will go right to kill him and I would love to do it. The fact that he thinks I'm still some weak ass bitch is perfect. Because he believes I won't kill him or tell my dad but little does he know I will and I am.

*The drama will start soon I promise lol.

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