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   "REMUS, JUST LOOK AT HER." James sighed wistfully, watching as Lily Evans toss her tousled, red tresses over her shoulder whilst the girl laughed at Severus Snape's joke.

   "I'm looking, James." Remus responded, his voice matching James' lovesick, hopeful tone.

   "Isn't she beautiful. Everything about her just makes me warm inside." James sighed.

   Remus sighed too, "I get what you mean."

   James nodded as he hazily watched 'the love of his life' get up to leave for their first class ( it was History of Magic with Professor Binns, always deadly boring ), before his brows furrowed in puzzlement. He raised his off of his palm and turned to Remus, who still living in his own reverie, and harshly nudged the guy on the arm.

   "Why does Lily make you feel warm inside?" James asked, suspicioun evident in his voice.

   That certainly caught Remus' attention.

   He swiftly turned around and looked at James with incredulity, "What? No! I'm not talking about Lily!"

   James tilted his head in confusion, "Then who?"

   Remus sighed in annoyance before grabbing his friend's head in the direction he was facing and James merely looked suprised.

   "You're into Bentley? I always thought you liked Harrison more-"

   "Mother of- I'm talking about Angel you idiot!" Remus snapped and James' hand flew to his chest.

   "I'm hurt, Remus." He pretended to sob.

   The Gryffindor Prefect pursed his lips and gave James a glare whilst the latter held in a choked wheeze.

   "I'm just joking, Remus! I know that you're ridiculously in love with-" A hand flew to his mouth and Remus motioned for him to br quiet.

   "Say it louder why don't you!"

   James licked his hand and Remus cringed before pulling it away, "No, mate, I'll leave that to you- have you even told Angel you're in love with her?"

   Remus deadpanned, "Of course! I tell her I love her all the time, but she only thinks that I'm saying it platonically-"

   "See, that's where you've messed up, my friend." James chided and Remus, once again, was confused.

   "You're telling her you love her. Not that you're in love with her. Common mistake." James said and Remus raised a brow.

   "You're giving me love advice?"

   James smirked, "Yes."

   Remus rolled his eyes, "Okay then, Mr James 'I've been weirdly infatuated with the same girl for five years' Potter."

   James slapped his arm, "I try to help you and this is the thanks I get. I should just go-"

   "Please do." Remus begged.

   "But I won't!" James decided and it took all of Remus' willpower to not slam his head into the dining table ( repeatedly. )

   "Here's what you're gonna do, mate- pretend to be Angel and I'll pretend to be you." James cleared his throat.

   "Why would I-"

   "Remus, I swear to Merlin-"

   "Fine! Fine."

   James got into his role; he hunched his back slightly, neatened his hair and cleared his throat once more, "Hey there, Angel, please take a seat."

   "First of all, I'm already sitting and second of all, why do I sound like a forty-year-old woman with lungs like an old pipe-"

    James pressed a finger to Remus' lips, hushing him, "Look, Angel, there's something I have to tell you,"

   Remus removed James' finger from his lips, only for the latter to start caressing him, "What the bloody hell is it?"

   "I'm in love with you." James said and Remus internally felt like jumping off a cliff and dragging James down with him.

   "Well, well, well- isn't this getting a bit steamy, boys?" The loud, playful voice of Angel Harrison chided with small giggle.

   Remus abruptly pulled away from James and slapped his arms whilst James simply burst out laughing, "Angel, it's not what it looks like-"

   "Relax, Remus, you don't have hide you and James' secret love affair from me," she kidded as Remus flushed red.

   She spoke in a lower tone, "I'll make sure to keep it a secret."

   Angel and James looked at each other for a moment before collapsing into laughter and all Remus could do was sit there with a bashful as his friends joked.

   "Personally, Remus, I was rooting for you and Sirius." Angel said out of the blue and if Remus had a drink, he would've spat it out.

   "What? I-"

   "Anyway, let's get to class. If we stay here any longer, we're gonna be late." Angel said quickly, dragging the boys out of their seats and towards the giant doors.

   James was quick to escape Angel's monster-like grip and simply chose to walk alongside the two, but Remus didn't mind. He was used to his best friend's antics and often, he even looked forward to them.

   Remus, for years, had tried to convince himself that he merely enjoyed her company. That due to Angel being a huge part of his life ( considering they were best friends ), he merely enjoyed and valued her company. Yes, that was it- because friends looked longingly at one another with lingering stares, as well as reddening rapidly at any slight touch, not to mention the risky glances at their lips in hopes that they may kiss them one day. Yes. Remus Lupin enjoyed Angel Harrison's company. That was all.

   Nothing else. At all. Whatsoever.

   It only took Remus sixteen years to figure out that, that was all a giant, internalized lie he'd been telling himself to try and force down his feelings. To try and force down the fact that he and Angel would only ever see him as her 'bro'.


hello kids, it's me harmony :/
i hope you enjoyed this prologue because i lowkey have mixed feelings about it but i enjoy it overall 👌🏾

this story idea is! not! mine! it belongs to the lovely amaxinng ( i think i spelt your @ wrong in the description omg i'm a mess ) thanks sm sakeenah!

that's all i have for now and i hope you guys enjoy the story :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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