chapter 3

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catching a cat an a c rank ^-^"

so there I was minding my own business not bothering anyone not even kakashi sensei than I get told at 2 am we have mission to catch a cat called tora ....-.-"   "seriously I  WAS AWAKEN FOR A STUPID CAT!!"


more silence ..."sophie your a  cat...."

I thought carefully before I answered him  "so!" he sighed "you know you basically insulted yourself right?"

....."I insulated tora not myself. "

sensei smirked "come on lets go."

5 hours later of chasing tora -.-"

"sophie point d and point bored."

"sasuke point e ."

"sakura point c."

"naruto point a!! datteboy!!"

I laughed "  I believe it alright your slow."

naruto: I see cat yeah I see tora

me: I see idiot

sakura: me too


naruto: aaaah get the hell off me you stupid cat yahh!!!*scratch*

did you hear that naruto the cat loves you but what the cat really said was

"I hate you let me go you mother fucker."


I found a swearing cat omg

sakura: you ok sophie?

me: that cat swore naruto hahaha

sakura: hah!!

we got to the hag and handed her cat she was so happy she smothered the fat cat in a hug naruto was going all  funny "hah! you stupid cat you got what you deserve.!"

well that went well now to report about a pathetic excuse of a  mission. .

5mins later of narutos  pmsing

"I would give you a mission in fact it will be a c rank you will be escorting someone to the mist village."


I bet you its a old man I whispered as I saw the man who we were going to guard.

"is this them they're supposed to protect me you've got to be kidding and who's the one  with the stupid

looking face. and the jutsu mess up"

naruto: hahAhaha

me:he was talking about you dobe

naruto:nani!!! IM GONNA KILL YOU OLD MAN! !

kakashi: your supposed to protect him not kill him

me:meh he can die for all I care  hey old man when this mission is finished ill kill you if you insult me again

kakashi: no killing ..*why do I have the emotional ones*

^-^ mabye I could just read my

sophie: no

kakashi: how did she?

4 hours of walking later

"are we there yet."


naruto--sophie hyuuga the cat demonWhere stories live. Discover now