5: Green and Angry

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this chapter took too long to upload cause I sort of abandoned the wattpad story to work on drawing the characters rather than write them. hoping to try and write more now. (recently drew all my gemsonas down and I have approximately 34 individual gems, and that discludes fusions O.O, doubt i can get em all in this story but I'll try. most have a backstory and part to play after all)

3rd Person POV

Steven and Connie had long since left-back though Lars's hair and the off colours now were back on their long journey through the stars to get back to earth.

During this time Tiger had become quite active when it came to moving around the ship; one minute she was stood next to Rhodonite and secretly trying to see which one of them was taller (tiger won by a small amount), the next she was stood behind Padpa, staring at the main screen and the view of the stars.

No matter how long she had been in space the stars never got old, she memorised a few constellations from creating new ones depending on where she was in the galaxy.

That's the funny thing about Space, to the naked eye it all seems the same and would be impossible to travel through without a navigation system, but in truth, when you've travelled to so many worlds you see they all have a different nights sky, and you can remember them to see what position you are in space.

Tiger has a side to her that even gave each constellation and galaxy they discovered a name, so hearing the off colours describe certain galaxies by other names she had never heard before was odd to her, just as how when Tiger pointed out galaxy she had spotted during her stay on the 3rd planet she had hidden away on; the one she had named 'Yellow Bloom' due to it reminding her of a large yellow flower, the other off-colours looked at her confused at what she was talking about.

Things like this made a part of her feel so out of place, a feeling that would come and go. Almost as if she shouldn't even be here and that maybe it just would have been better if she had stayed back in jungle moon.

Still, she reassured herself that things would get better and that sometimes it was better to invite change..... even if the change made her really uncomfortable.

"no... it's fine, we're just not used to this yet... these are nice gems, they don't mean any harm, they just don't know us yet..." she muttered to herself under her breath as she walked around the ship.

"You ok Tiger? you've been acting more on edge the past few minutes, also did you say something?" Lars suddenly said with concern in his voice. "E-er, yeah... Sort of" She said and started to walk to the steps leading the engine room again "I just need a moment to relax, I'll be back soon!" She grinned.

Just as ran down the steps, she crawled slightly back up just to make sure no one was going close to her wreck of a ship: which was currently still in a pile at the entrance. She'd thrown down some old rags and a small pile of leaves around it in a crude attempt of mopping up the puddle that had been growing from an indistinguishable leak somewhere near the power unit; yet this only seemed to make the mess worse.

Her fluffy head then disappeared once again into the abyss of the engine room.


Half an hour later Fluorite slowly yet urgently called for Lars to come down to the engine room.

"what's going on down here?" Lars looked round, the other of colours following behind as he reached the bottom of the stairs. That was when he saw it. a dark green gemstone laying on the floor, a little further away was what looked like the pice on material tigers eye had around her waist, now in a heap on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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