Chapter 21 Dinner on a hill?

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**Anna's POV** (A/N; I know I've been doing a lot of her point of view but I'm going to switch back and forth a bit more now!)

It was finally Friday and the boys were taking us all out. We were really excited! I'd been fidgeting and hadn't been able to concentrate in school. Me, Jackie and Laura rushed home as quickly as possible! The boys said we needed to dress nice but not to dressy! What's that suppose to mean!? When we got home Inez had already showered and was curling her hair! She got such a head start! Unfair! We all had a bathroom each, (except for me and Jackie, since we shared a room. We had sold our other old cruddy flat and now living here permanently.) Since Jackie managed to get to the shower fist, I went to the shower in the guest room. When I got out, Jackie was still showering! That girl takes her time!

"Want me to fix your hair?" Inez asked me whilst I was blow drying my hair. I nodded. Inez was already done! She was wearing a pleated, chiffon skirt in her waist with a blouse and a cardigan. Typical Inez look! Laura had just had her hair done and was choosing an outfit. Inez started pulling my hair up into a bow, like Lady Gaga's hair. It was kinda a staple look for me. I had it like this often. Laura's hair was loose and curly likes Inez's.

"I'll do your make-up if you want?" Laura sked since she was done now too. She was wearing a red blouse with black, high waisted shorts and red tights.

"Yes please!" I smiled. Jackie had finally come out of the bathroom and was putting her clothes on. She was wearing a red checkered shirt with black leather pants and her hair pulled up into a sock bun. She was standing infront of the mirror applying her usual extremely thick eyeliner.

"All done!" Laura said. Wow, that girl works fast! I looked in the mirror. I had very natural make-up, thank god! I didn't want her to go overboard!

"Here!" Inez said shoving an outfit in my hands. I looked at it. It was quite nice! A long sleeved, dark blue, knitted dress with grey tights. Not bad! I quickly slipped the dress and tights on.

Since we took ages getting ready, the finishing touches were stressed!

"Hurry your fat asses up! We were suppose to meet them downstairs ten minutes ago!" Inez shouted from the hall. I quickly grabbed my shoes and ran out to her. We were waiting for Jackie and Laura! Those two, honestly! They came running into the hall and we ran down to the boys.

"Fashionably late, I see!" Harry said when we came down.

"Isn't a lady always?" I smiled at the boys. They opened the door of a limo for us! And they said don't get to dressed up! No, we're only going in a friggin' limo!

"Where are we going?" Inez asked eagerly as we had all got in our seats.

"It's a surprise!" Niall said.

"Yay! I love surprises!" Inez squealed.

"I hate surprises!" Me, Jackie and Laura said at the same time.

"That's just because you're boring!" Inez pushed her tongue out at us, like a five year old.

"Shut up!" Laura play-punched her arm.

"Ow! I'm gonna die!" Inez cried. The car ride didn't take long, or maybe we had so much fun time flew!? We were singing along to the 'Up all night' album! Me and Inez had finally learnt all the words, so it wasn't as embarrassing now. We all stopped singing when the car came to a halt.

"OOOHHH!" Inez shouted jumping out of the car, us girls not far behind. I saw a big field and then I was suddenly blinded!

"I can't see!" Inez shouted in panic.

"Me neither!" I shouted back!

"Non of us can!" Jackie shouted. The boys, who had blind folded us, were leading us out onto the field. I could feel that we were going up a small hill.

"1...2...3!" We were suddenly allowed to see our location! We were up on a grass covered hill! On the hill there was a big round table, set for all of us! The trees had lights in them and the sun was just about to set! It was beautiful!

"This is amazing!" We all squealed. I had to take a picture! I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of the sunset and one of me and Liam. And all the other couples. We all sat down at the beautifully set up table. We started eating the meal that was served by some people appearing out of nowhere!

"You shouldn't have!" Inez said looking at her surroundings.

"But we did!" All the boys smiled. We all started up our own little conversations. Since I sat next to Liam, I talked mostly to him. It was amazing!

**Inez's POV**

After we had eaten we decided to do something. I had an idea! The table was empty so I took the big red and white checkered cloth and put it on the ground, like a picnic blanket. We all sat down and started cracking jokes and just having a good time.

"Wait here!" Niall said and started running back to the car, *cough*, limo! What was that boy up to!? Soon he came running back with a guitar in his hand. He sat back down next to me and started playing a few tunes. We were all mesmerised by his playing, and soon we were all sitting singing loads of different songs. It was finally dark out and getting cold! The boys ran back to the car and came back with blankets. We all wrapped ourselves up in the blankets and stared up at the beautiful night sky.

"Oh, look!" I said pointing at the sky. "Orion's belt!"

"Oh, yeah!" Niall said looking at the starts.

"And look over there Orion's pants!" Louis mocked us.

"And there's his shoe!" Anna laughed pointing to the sky.

"He really needs to stop losing his shit in the sky!" Jackie laughed. We were having such a good time! I never wanted it to end.

"No! I want to do something now!" I said standing up. I can only be calm that long!

"Like what?" The boys asked.

"I don't know." I walked over to one of the trees and started climbing up in it!

"Inez! What are you doing? Come down!" They all shouted after me.

"NO!" I said and got to the top of the tree. I looked down at the others. Wow, this is quite high!

"You're gonna hurt yourself! Come down!" Anna shouted after me.

"Only if one of you come and get me!" I shouted and crossed my arms and pouted. They all attempted to climb the tree but failed! Haha! In the end I came down to the others, but it was fun in the tree. It was all lit up 'n stuff!

"Little Katniss Everdeen over here!" Laura said pointing at me. I laughed and braided my hair to side and pretended to have a bow and arrow! We started making our way back to the car. This was the most fun we've all had in AGES!


Just wanted to say hi! Hehe, I have done a planning for my writing and if my "calculations" are correct it should end at around 37 chapters! Yeah, I have a lot left! I just showed my friend the last sentences in the book and she almost killed me! Haha, making you curious? Sorry if its short! It's a filler! Stay happy! Peace to all mah Rainbows!

xx RainWriter :)

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