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But I guess forever doesn't last that long! The ten months weren't so long after all! When the boys came back they were more in love with us than ever. Laura quickly moved out and in with Harry, who moved away from Louis. Laura decided to pursue a career as an actress and quickly made it big in Hollywood. It only took about three years until Laura got pregnant once again with Harry's kid, but this time the little angel made it! They got a beautiful daughter called Bethany Darcy Styles and shortly after got married. Bethany has ash blonde hair just like her mum and green eyes just like her dad with matching dimples. She's actually seven years now! And when she was three she got a little brother Alexander Edward Styles. He has brown curly hair with blue eyes. He's four now. I'm proud to call myself their godmother. Louis did end up with Eleanor, they went through a rough patch but worked it out and they actually got married. Eleanor is expecting their first born child. Zayn and Perrie sadly broke up after the tour because there were rumours that he cheated even though he didn't. Jackie's dream of becoming a guitarist came true but she and Braylen had a MASSIVE fight after spending five years together! They never managed to work through it and called it quits. Since then Jackie's been back and forth with loads of guys but never settled for any of them. Anna and Liam got their happy ending. He proposed after them spending four years together and then they got married. Anna had just given birth to their first born child Freddie. He was only a couple months and absolutely adorable with his light brown hair and dark hazel eyes. He was really chubby and Jackie got her first godson. Oh, and me? Well, Niall proposed to me only a month after he'd been back from the tour and I of course answered yes. The wedding was beautiful and was held in St. Paul's Cathedral. After that I moved in with him and got got knocked up myself, just a year after Laura. We also got a beautiful girl, Avia Rose Horan. She had her dads blue eyes and my strawberry blonde hair and is six now. We made Laura godmother and Zayn godfather. When little Avia was two she got a little brother, James George Horan. He had brown hair like his dad originally had and my grey eyes and was four years old. Jackie got to be godmother and Anna godfather, just for fun!

What're we doing now you ask? We're going on a picnic to catch up. We hadn't spoken in a while and Avia and Beth were dying to play again. They were best friends and so were James and Alex. Avia and Beth always babysit Freddie and play with him.  

Zayn had called us and told that he had a huge surprise that was going to be announced at the picnic so we were all excited.  

Our car came to a stop and Avia flew out onto a huge field. I had no idea where we were going to have the picnic but I quickly remembered this field. This was where the boys brought us to dinner, on that hill with the trees. I felt joy inside as I remembered.

"C'mon!" I heard Beth shout to Avia who was running out onto the field. Niall helped James out of his car seat and he started running to Alex. Harry and Laura had obviously arrived. Me and Niall walked hand in hand up to the tree. Harry and Laura were sitting on a blanket underneath it. Anna and Liam were also there. Anna was sitting playing with Freddie who was smiling and laughing his cute baby laugh.

"Who are we missing?" I asked and sat down next to Anna.

"Louis and Eleanor are on their way and so is Jackie and Zayn." Anna looked up at me. Freddie was the youngest member of the 1D family but not for long since Eleanor was getting her baby too. Avia, Beth, James and Alex were playing tag running around on the fields.

Soon Louis, Eleanor, Jackie and Zayn arrived and we sat down to eat. The kids zoned out into their own conversations and us adults started talking. Jackie had brought Jordan with her. You see it didn't take long after Jackie's mum died that she took him in and raised him. He was now a seventeen year old boy, very handsome for his age. He wasn't scrawny anymore and he actually looked healthy. Jackie had been telling us about how she'd broken up with yet another boyfriend.

"I'll never find the right one." She whined.

"Yes you will!" Anna smiled at her, playing with Freddie's small arms.

"Easy for you to say! You've got your families and children. I don't want to end up alone."

"Well, maybe the right one is just right in front of your eyes." Zayn said, looking longingly at Jackie. Does this have something to do with his big announcement. Jackie looked just as love struck back at him. Suddenly Zayn got on one knee and pulled a small box out of his pocket.

"Jacqueline Ashdown, will you marry me?" The while question was out of the blue but we all knew that they'd always loved each other. Jackie's eyes filled with tears.

"Yes!" She shouted and hugged him and they kissed.

"Finally!" We all laughed.

"Well, since this seems like a time for announcements I have something to say." I butted in and everyone looked at me funnily, especially Niall.

"What?" They all asked eagerly, even the children listening.

"I'm pregnant." I smiled and all their jaws dropped.

"Really?" Niall looked shocked.

"What does that mean, mummy?" James asked me, tugging on my arm.

"It means I'm having another baby." I smiled at him and he grinned one of the largest grins imaginable.

"Congrats!" Laura smiled. "Maybe it's time for another for me and Harry?" She joked nudging Harry a bit.

"No way!" He laughed.

We all sat there and talked the whole night long. The kids fell asleep in our laps and all couples were having small conversations.

"You're really having another baby?" Niall looked at me and I smiled and nodded. He smiled too. "Names?"

"I was thinking Ginger if its a girl." I smiled and he did too.

"And if it's a boy?"

"I don't know, what do you think?"

"Leo." Niall told me and I agreed.

It made me think back to when I thought I'd never see them again. That was nine years ago now. I always thought that it was all luck but I knew now that it wasn't luck, but love. Love that brought us together and made us one big family. Love that bonded us and made us stronger. It had nothing to do with luck. I made a decision to give Niall my number that day, not luck, he decided to call me, not luck, we started a relationship with love, not luck. All these years I've gone around thinking that I was lucky? No, not lucky. Loved. That is the word. I realised now that I ahead been

More Than Lucky.


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