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The question in which happened at dinner, regarding whether or not Carly was the one who Alfred almost hot with the car, passed... eventually. Alfred apologized profusely, Bruce looked stunned, the Wayne boys just kept looking at her, all the other kids were yelling and asking if she was ok, while the Jefferson's looked like they wanted to kill Penny. They definitely did, for after dinner when Penny returned to her room, Mr Jefferson cornered her. He told her to not do anything like that again, to stop embarrassing them. Then he pushed her into the wall, and left her.

This wasn't anything new to Penny. Threats, pushing... she was used to it. So she just brushed herself off, rolled her eyes, and walked into her room. She ran to the homework she forgot about, and continued it. She finished her math, then went onto her history. Then from history to her english homework. All of this was due tomorrow, and it just made Penny even more stressed than she was before. Penny ended up finishing her homework around midnight, and as soon as she got up, she ran to the bed, collapsed onto it, and fell asleep instantly. Good thing she had set an alarm on her phone before she started her homework, if not, she probably wouldn't have even woken up. She probably would have been even later to school, than she would be because she's even farther away now.

Penny woke up to the annoying sound of her alarm, the alarm she snoozed three times. Groggily she looked at the time on her phone, and as soon as her mind registered the time, she freaked out. She yelled out, jumped out of bed, and scrambled to do everything. 

She ran to her homework that she hadn't put away. She quickly shoved everything into the appropriate folder or binder, then shoved all that into her backpack. Then the sprang up off the floor, and over to her dresser. At times like these she wished her school had a uniform, at least then it wouldn't take her as long to decide what she wanted to wear to school. Quickly glancing at her watch she grabbed a pair of old jeans, a science pun t-shirt, and a blue zip hoodie. She put it on as fast as she could. Then she shoved her feet into her old converse, brushed through her hair, and brushed her teeth. Once done with all that she grabbed her phone, shoved it into the back pocket and ran out of the room. The ran through the hallways, slid down the banister of the grand stairs, and ran into the kitchen. Everyone, was in there, well except for the Jefferson's. 

Penny quickly grabbed two apples, and went to leave the room, but she was stopped by Bruce Wayne... goodie. She's going to be even later to school.

"Penny, please sit and eat something. School doesn't start for another forty minutes."

Being as polite as she could Penny replied, "Actually Mr Wayne, I go to a different school. This school starts in a half hour, and I need to catch a train. I have two apples, I'll be fine. Thank you though."

With that, Penny ran out of the room, but she didn't miss the remark given by Daphne. "That's why she's not wearing the uniform."

Penny ran out the front door, down the impossibly long driveway, and through the gates. She then ran down the street towards the metro station, and as soon as she got there she was again sliding down the railing of the stair case. She said sorry to a few people, swiped her card, and ran onto the train that was about to depart. Penny sighed in relief, took a seat, and pulled out her phone. She texted Ned that she was on the train, and she would see him at the next stop. Being with the Wayne's meant she had to take two trains and not just one. Penny now has to take one train to get to a different station, where she'll get off to wait a few minutes for the next one, which will take the needed turn she needs so she can get to school. So when the train stopped, Penny ran out the doors, up the stairs, down a hallway, down a different set of stairs, and onto a different platform. From far away she could see Ned standing there, looking down on his phone. With a smile Penny walked up to him, and yelled in his ear, scaring the crap out of him.


Penny got a few dirty looks, but at the moment she didn't care. Ned as soon as he calmed down looked at her, slapped her arm playfully, and scolded her the best he could.

"Penny, why'd you do that? You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Penny laughed at him, and they talked. They talked until the train came, the talked on the train, and they talked while they walked out of the station, and all the way to school. They talked in the hallways, and until they had to split up to get to their different classes. 


The day had gone by without a problem, but that was also because Flash wasn't in school today. Meaning he would miss the Academic decathlon team practice. During the practice Penny got all the answers she answered correct, and she was even able to do half of her homework that she had gotten that day. By the end, the science teacher, and the teacher that runs the decathlon, Mr Harris had an announcement. 

"Everyone, before you all leave I need you all to get a field trip slip. The decathlon team is going to The Hall of Justice!"

Everyone grabbed a slip, Penny she grabbed two. Knowing her she'd either misplace one, or one of the Jefferson's would throw away the first. That's what they usually did. Usually they laughed at it, and threw it away. Then when they realized that they wouldn't have to deal with her for longer, they'd sign the second one. 

Penny slipped them into her backpack, and her, Ned, and MJ all walked out of school. They talked about the field trip, about the team, about school stuff, and other normal teen things. They asked her so many questions about the Wayne's, and what it's like living with them. MJ even asked about the Wayne boys. Penny tried to answer each question, and for the most part she did. It was a little hard to answer MJ's since Penny has a huge crush on him, but for a lot of the questions she didn't blush under his gaze. So she told them that this morning Bruce Wayne found out that she's the only one in that whole mansion who doesn't attend Gotham Academy. She wondered, to herself only, whether or not he would end up asking her about it. Like would he think she goes to a public school, and what not. Then MJ parted ways, and the two left went down into the subway station. They took the same train, and got off at the same stop. But this time, Penny stayed in the station, and went to a different platform, while Ned left.

Eventually the metro stopped, and Penny had reached her stop. Not only does she have to do her homework, but she also has to get the pictures off her camera and printed, so she can give them to the Daily Bugle for money. 

Finally Penny was at the front door of the mansion, and she didn't just want to barge into the place, even though she's staying there, so she knocked on the door. She waited a few moments, and then the door was opened by Alfred.

"Hello, Miss Penny. Who was your day at school?"

"It was great, thank you Mr Pennyworth. Um also I was wondering, am I able to just walk right in when I get back here, or should I just continue to knock?"

A small chuckle escaped his lips, "You may enter without knocking. Also please, Miss Penny, call me Alfred."

Penny looked to him, "I will call you Alfred if you call me Penny."

He shook his head, "I'm sorry Miss Penny, but while also being polite, it is apart of my job."

Penny looked to him again, and allowed him to close the door. "Then I'm sorry Mr Pennyworth. I can't call you Alfred. My aunt had always told me that you call someone by their title until they don't call you by yours." Penny then walked off, but quickly turned around, "Have a nice day."

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