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Dinner was interesting. The Young Justice were able to learn a lot about the four teens, and some things didn't have to be said for them to figure out. 

When they had gotten to the table, everyone took a seat, and Penny decided to take one farther away from the boys, and right in-between Kid Flash, and Superboy. As they sat, Alfred was setting the table, leaving Penny enough time to quickly finish the equation and tuck it under her legs. Of course Kid Flash saw the homework, and that's when Penny discovered that he is kind of a nerd too.

"Woah. Mega equations there. Is, is that your homework???" He asks looking at the paper.

Penny smiles and blushes slightly. "Yeah. Um, my math teacher gave me some extra credit work since I already did the homework's in class."

"That is cool... wait homework as in plural... as in you did all the homework for something you're learning this year? Homework?"

"Well, yes. Calc is exceptionally easy. So he gave more some more advanced things to keep me entertained."

"Wow, that's impressive."

"Thanks," Penny blushes.

A few of the others had heard their small conversation, they didn't really think anything of it, but that's because they got more focused on the food placed in front of them. Turkey, rice, asparagus, and potatoes. Boy it was good. Aqualad and Superboy noticed that Penny had to have eaten more than anyone there, well not Kid Flash. They both would talk later and would agree that Penny is hiding something about herself and her eating habits. Though this secret would come out another time the team would be at the manor. After the dinner Penny had quickly escaped to her room only to come back down with a camera. The team was confused, but once she explained herself, they were ok with it.

"Can I take some pictures of you guys?" Penny asks the group of superhero teens.

"Why? Do you have a fan page or something?" Artemis asks skeptically.

Penny laughs and awkwardly answers. "N-no, I don't have a fan page. Um, these pictures would be for my job. I, uh, take pictures for the Daily Bugle."

That answer had earned Penny a ten minute photoshoot of the superhero team. They wouldn't admit it to her or to anyone but themselves but they had fun. At first she had just put them in a large group, then a group picture of them in fighting poses, but then she did individuals. They all enjoyed getting a few individual pictures of themselves. They were happier to find out that not only was she going to give them to Mr. Jameson, but she'd get copies for them too. 

After that, everyone settled in the living room to watch a movie. During the movie, the boys had pulled Penny to the side of the room and apologized. Superboy listened in on their conversation and would tell the team later when they talked that the boys were apologizing to Penny about this morning. That they had said that she shouldn't be friends with her best friend because he's a boy. He would also report that the boys were relived and happy that Penny forgave them when they apologized. 

The movie finished, and everyone went their separate ways to get some sleep.

Penny made sure that everything she needed for school was in her bag, and she quickly set out an outfit for the next day. She wants to be prepared, and not late downstairs like she is most days. So she also set an alarm, and changed into pajamas. Tomorrow at school she's be doing a lot more, since in two days is her trip to the Hall of Justice. She is so excited for this field trip, not only does she get out of school work (even if it's easy), but she gets to see the Hall of Justice! Like how cool is that?! As Penny climbed into her bed, she remembered something and quickly shot Bruce a text.

-Hey Bruce, I know it's late but I forgot to tell you something before you left.-

Surprisingly he answered pretty quickly.

-What is it?-

-My Principle wants you to update my information for school by the end of the week. Plus my guidance counselor wants to have a meeting with you.-

Penny couldn't help but be a little nervous while sending this. What if he thought she was a bad kid or that she was in trouble because he was already needed for a meeting about her. Part of her knew that this was illogical, but she couldn't help it. Worrying was something Penny excelled at.

-Of course. I'll the school tomorrow, and set up a meeting for next week. Ok?-

-Yup, thanks Bruce.-

-No problem, Penny. Goodnight.-

-Goodnight, Bruce.-

Penny went to sleep Happy that night, so did Jason, Dick, Tim, and Damien. Penny because she wasn't mad at the boys anymore, because she has a cool field trip in two days, and because Bruce was great. Jason, Tim, Damien, Dick all went to sleep happy because Penny had accepted their apology. The Young Justice however, they went to bed with a few questions. Why does Dick remind them of Nightwing, what's the real reason all the Robins aren't on the mission with them, why do they have to protect the Wayne's, and how did Penny a tiny little thing, eat so much dinner?

AN: So sorry that it's been a while. It may be a shorter chapter, but I have plans for the next chapter which should be out by the end of the week! Enjoy!

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