01: Run

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"Wuries" is one of the many coffee shops surrounding Seoul national university

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"Wuries" is one of the many coffee shops surrounding Seoul national university. It is long and narrow with table for two along the walls and table for four in the middle. The decoration is aesthetic with a well balance of colour giving it the perfect vibe along with their delicious pastries.

A quiet Lisa sat at the second table from the entrance where she took pints of coffee and wrote down about the little things that caught her attention from the view of the city through the window beside her - just people going on their daily races, high school kids walking down the street hand in hand while laughing at whatever, a band playing at the other end of the road.

Her long hair naturally brown in colour fell like  a curtain over her doll like face masking her coffee brown eyes as she tilted her head to get a better view of the scene in front of her. It was her first time there and she was already sure that was going to be her favourite place in the whole city.

"Hey " she heard a soft voice say and she looked up from her note to see a girl smiling so brightly at her that she couldn't help but smile back

"Can I help you?" She asked the blonde girl standing in front of her.

Lisa was never the one to check women out but she had to admit that this one was an exception, an epitome of beauty. It wasn't like she was over dressed or wore revealing clothes, it was just a light blue turtle neck, denim jeans, a pair of black sneakers and a black purse.

"Is someone here" she asked pointing at the seat in front of Lisa

What Lisa didn't understand was why she wanted to sit there, there were plenty of seat in the café infact it was practically empty

"No, it's free"

"Thank you" she moved from where she was standing and sat down opposite her beside the window " I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, it's just that this is my favourite seat I really love the view from here" she continued as she took a sip from her drink

"No its ok, I can't help but agree more, it's really nice here"

"I'm yeri" she introduced herself with a smile stretching out her hand

"Lisa" she replied taking her hand for a shake

"I haven't seen you around before, you new here?"

Lisa felt like being playful and so she decided to tease her a little "so you know every single person around and you've seen them all?"

"Hey!, c'mon" she pouted with feigned annoyance "it's just I'm sure this is my first time seeing you"

"Well you're right, I just got here yesterday, I transferred from Thailand"

"Cool, I'm a sophomore majoring in chemistry, how bout you?"

"I'm also a sophomore but my major is literature"

"Great, we are so going to get along well" she giggled with a wink "so do you know anyone around, have you had a tour around campus"

Lisa couldn't help but get smile, yeri was the first person she had actually had a conversation with since she got here " no, I don't know anyone and I haven't had a tour yet"

"Well now you know me and we should definitely hang out more and don't worry you gonna have lost of friends from now on" she said while clapping her hands in determination

"Well that's not exactly the plan" Lisa had managed to gain zero attention so far which was perfect for her as that was her ultimate goal. All she wants is to go through the remaining of her university life living like a ghost under the eyes of no one.
Although now she was starting to question that plan

"Don't be silly"


Getting dressed in a black hoodie and denim shorts yuqi walk out of her shared apartment in the middle of the night to go for a walk in hopes that it might help her clear her mind.

She was never the one to have trouble falling asleep but this night was different and it didn't help that her neighbour practiced scream therapy in the shower.

It was a cold night and a few people were still walking about here and there. The street lamps were lit making it easier for her to see what's ahead.

She walked for about 15 minutes before she stopped by a tree with a bench underneath it and she decided to rest before going back to her apartment. The moon was shining so brightly that night and the view was breathtaking as the wind caressed her softly.

She would have stayed there longer but she had no idea what the time was, she had a 7:00 am class and she really needed to get some sleep.

Walking back to her apartment was even more quiet and peaceful than it was when she was coming, it seemed like everyone else had already gone somewhere else.

Lost in her thoughts she took no notice of the figure running towards her direction and by the time she looked up it was already too late, she fell on the ground like a sack of potatoes

" shit, look where you're going! " the other person yelled in a hurry, sounding irritated but still  stretched out his hand to help her up

" I don't need your help" she retorted slapping his hands away and helping herself up even with her scrapped knees " do you have to be so rude, you're the one at fault here"

"See I really have no time for this, if you're okay then I'm just going to leave"

"Leave?, are you ou-

She was cut off by the yells of three other figures running in their direction, she didn't even have time to process what was going on before the guy she was about to start arguing with took her hand and ran off with her in a completely different direction .
They had both been running for about ten minutes and she had to say who ever was following them was really determined, she has no idea how she even got herself into this

"Over there!" the boy holding her said pointing at an open door not too far from them.

Only if they could run faster maybe they'd make it there in time but there was a problem, no two

1- she had absolutely no idea why she was running, it's not like she was the one being chased


2- she was tired, her legs felt so weak  she wasn't even sure if she could take a step further

"What's wrong why are you suddenly stopping we're almost there"

"I can't " she whispered out of breath

What she wasn't expecting was for him to actually carry her on his shoulder

"Hey ~ put me down" she screamed while hitting his back until she felt herself being placed on a wooden chair and she watched him shut the door and lock it with a padlock

"That was an incredibly foolish thing to do you know" she told him clearly unimpressed with the situation


"Do you have the keys to unlock those?"

"No, saw them laying on the floor"

"So what's our exit strategy" she asked in a tired voice completely done with everything

" ex- e, out what?"

" oh no, we're gonna die"


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