1. She's Dead

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The front door to the Hale house burst open. Derek came running inside holding someone in his arms. "Peter!" He exclaimed.

"What, what's wrong?" Peter rushed from the kitchen.

Scott, Isacc, Boyd, and Erica came running from upstairs. Even they didn't hear him they could still sense the pain and panic radiating from Derek, even from upstairs.

"It's Laura, She's dead." Derek answered. He slowly laid her body down on the couch. Her eyes were open but didn't hold any life. There was a wound on her side that matched that of a sword along with the other cuts that littered her body.

The entire room went sour. A heavy silence. There were lumpy throats, and sunken hearts everywhere.

"Wh-who would wanna kill Laura?" Scott asked in complete shock.

"The Argents." Peter answered. "They like to cut us in half, and it looks like they tried with her." He knelt down next to his niece's lifeless body putting two fingers over her eyelids and pulling them closed.

"This is bullshit!" Isacc exclaimed.

"Yeah, we should go kill 'em." Boyd spoke. "We should avenge her."

Derek wasn't talking. He just held her hand while he cried.

"We can't do that, we're not even sure that they did it." Scott said.

"Who cares, I say we go and find out." Isacc yelled.

Erica had backed her way to the wall shaking her head 'no' while her tears fell.

"Scott's right, although I'm pretty sure that they did it, we still have to be civil about this." Peter called.

"Civil?" Isacc argued. "We're werewolves and we live in the woods. We're not that civil."

"We have to find out who actually did it." Peter got louder to get his point across.

"Why are you acting like you're afraid of them, they just killed Laura and you just want us to hide our heads up our asses..." Isaac argued.

Boyd saw where this was going and began to back away.

Peter let out a fierce roar, his eyes burning red at the beta, making Isaac retreat into a corner and whince.

"Quiet!" His voice boomed scaring everyone in the house. "None of you are to go near the Argents. I will look into this, and do believe that whoever is responsible will soon have hell to pay." He took a breath and calmed down. "Scott, Boyd. Do me a favor and dig a grave for my dear niece. I have a feeling Derek isn't up for that at the moment." The two betas nodded and he looked over at Derek. He hadn't moved from the couch next to his dead sister.

Scott and Boyd dug the grave and they held a make-shift funeral for her burying her next to where Talia had been buried before. They planted a yellow flower just above her and Peter would go out tomorrow and buy a headstone.

Once they were done Scott told them he was gonna head home while the others went inside and seperated themselves from eachother. They all needed to greave and they needed to do that alone.

Scott cried most of the way home. He pedaled slowly on his bike, the tears blurring his vision. But somehow he made it home.

He walked in and headed straight to his room. He laid face down on his bed and let out a sob. Moments later Mellisa walked in and sat down on the bed next to him. She rubbed a soothing hand on his back and he relaxed a little into her motherly touch.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She hummed softly.

It took Scott a moment to sit up. His eyes red and puffy. He looked at his mom and pushed his words out. "Someone..." he swallowed. "Someone killed Laura."

At the words Mellisa's hands slapped over her mouth as her own eyes began to well. She didn't know what to say. Laura was her son's mentor, the one who kept him sane and in control throughout his change after he was bitten. Laura was the one who called Mellisa and kept her updated on how Scott was doing, what he was learning, who he was with. Laura was the one that gave her peice of mind.

Her thinking stopped when she realised Scott was closer to Laura than she was, he was probably hurting ten times worst.

The woman openned her arms and brought Scott into her for a hug. She held him tight as he sobbed. Her own tears falling more silently. She rubbed his head humming words. "It's gonna be okay. Everything will be fine." The problem was she didn't know if she was trying to console her son or herself.


The door to the Argent house burst open. A dark skinned guy who looked to be about twenty two rushed in carrying a blonde woman in his arms. "Chris!" He screamed.

"Seth?" Chris rushed to the balcony overlooking the first floor. "What happened?"


It's Kate. She's dead."

A/N: I can't believe it took me this long to post this story I honestly thought that I had posted it a long time ago. Any thanks for reading. I'll try to update my other stories soon.

Silentoverkill - Out -

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