The night's are getting colder, it's getting harder to sleep. My heart is getting lonely. I never imagined the pain this would cause. The pain in my heart runs straight through my body I try, i try so hard to ignore it but i can't. I've never felt something so painful.
I set here and wonder when it's going to get better, when I'll be happy and the pain will stop.
But when I think it's getting better it goes straight back to the bottom. When I get happy something always happens to it. It don't last long at all. I'm honestly starting to get used to it. I'm getting used to being the second choice, used to being used. I don't know I guess I just wish things were different. I wish I could restart on life. Go through and do things right. Use the knowledge that I have now. Maybe I'm over reacting. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions i don't know though for real. But no matter what I'll still stand beside who I'm standing with now. Top priority is her and it always will be.Some of this is just wrote that just came off my head to make it sound better not going to lie but also some of it is real.