The search

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In the morning upon waking I only felt the heat of the sun on my face which emerged from the window.

At 7 in the morning I put on researcher's clothes and with great speed I ran down the stairs reaching the door and at that moment my mother realizes my hurry that could be noticed from kilometers away.

- David, where do you think you are going? He said in a resonant voice.

"Well, there is a mystery which I must decipher." -I replied.

"Be very careful and come back early."

"Sure mom, don't worry." I replied by saying goodbye to her and closing the door.

When I left I headed towards that forest without knowing what I would find.

By the rain of the previous day the streets of that place looked wet from the dew of flowers, the walls painted with small mosses and the calm and scorching atmosphere.

I began to walk the streets of that colony and without measuring much time I was already at the entrance of that forest which was gloomy in the rain and mysterious for never having entered before.

As I entered that forest in search of that mystery, I realized that it was a quiet place and not as dangerous as I had thought.

I kept walking on the wet grass with the nuances of a storm. When after so much road I arrived at a small house in ruins, a small house with its faded paint, made of mahogany wood and a door with a window, it seemed that it would fall if someone entered, but it did not prevent me from trying to enter that small house I was hoping that the flash would have emerged from that old place.

Upon entering I began to see every part of the house, when suddenly a very thin and tenuous voice asked.

"David, how did you get here?"

To my surprise I was the daughter of the woman who sold bread in that place near my house.

"David, how did you do to discover my secret hiding place?" - while looking me straight in the eye.

Without knowing what to say, I said.

"I was looking for something, it was something I saw yesterday while it was raining."

- Looking for adventures, David?

"Yes, exactly that." -Firm me.

"Well, tell me what you were looking for."

"I was looking out the window yesterday while it was raining when a very strong flash came out of this forest, I still don't know what it is or what it was.

"Well, then we'll look where that flash came from or why it was generated." By the way, my name is Sofia. He said extending his hand to me.

The truth is that I had never asked for his name so we put our hands together and looked for, Sofia and I to find what generated that flash. We spent about three hours in the forest without finding anything, but without giving up looking until dusk.

"I have to go, David." Said Sofia sadly.

"Don't worry, I'm going with you." I suggested.

"Of course, let's go."

We went together and when we got to our street, everyone went home, when Sofia was about to enter, she told me.

- Hey! What do you think if tomorrow we return to the forest and keep looking. He said with joy on his face.

"Sure, I agree, well see you tomorrow, bye."

"Goodbye David." He said goodbye to me.

When I entered my house, I just didn't see my mother, so I thought I was asleep and in order not to wake her up I left without making a noise to my room, I lay on my bed and fell asleep.

In my dreams I could see great things and reveal mysteries like a great treasure hunter like TV shows or magazines.

When morning came, the day was very atypical since my father had not woken up at dawn, the most surprising thing was that no dog had barked at that time, there was a hugging silence that broke the barriers of my soul, I got up from my bed towards the door and very quietly I put on clothes to go with my friend Sofia.

My mother was in the kitchen with a face of not having slept all night.

"Son, today is the second day you wake up early, where are you going today?"

"At the same place, Sofia, the baker's daughter, will accompany me."

"I see you made a new friend."

- And dad? He is not awake at this time as usual.

"He hasn't arrived since last night, I could barely sleep because I didn't know about him," my mother said a little emphatically and worriedly.

I said goodbye to her arriving at the door.

I left my house with the thought that my father would be home when I returned from my adventure day with my friend.

I arrived early at the bakery with the surprise that Sofia was waiting for me at the door.

"I see you're in a hurry." He said with a smile on his face and taking a backpack.

- What have you got in there? - I asked pointing towards the backpack.

-Nothing, some things that will help us in case of emergency or need. He said showing me some things.

We started heading back to that place, finally hoping to know that the whole mystery began without thinking that it was just the beginning of all the events that were going to happen around "the night of the forgotten."

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