Royal 3

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Meghan's POV

After he proved to me slightly who he was, I made up my mind that I  won't let him win, definitely, he would regret the very day he brought me into this catle. After I cleaned his room and made my way outside to go and meet Jazz,I decided not to take the elevator, the same elevator that I entered with that Asshole. I decided to climb the stairs. I made my way as I climbed the stairs one by one, they were many, like plenty, I didn't even try to count them as I climbed. Finally I saw a narrow path that was leading to somewhere, that somewhere I didn't know. Not climbing the stairs fully, I branched to take that narrow path, thinking that it would lead me downstairs. I walked and walked for about thirty minutes without even getting a sign of downstairs. The path was just straight, no curves or other branches connected to it. What a big palace, actually it isn't supposed to bear the name palace, it's a castle. I let out a sigh of relief upon seeing a masculine figure standing ahead of me. I walked to that figure thinking that I would get help as where and how to get my ass downstairs. "Excuse me, please can you help me get downstairs?, I'm kinda lost, please!" I said as I walk a little further as I almost reached where the unknown person was standing. I dropped my face as the person turned to face me. The bitch managed to manipulate a very bad smirk on his face, how I wished I could kill that face, Alejandro's face. "And what the fuck are you doing in my study?, I hope your mum thought you manners, manners about intruding and invading people's privacy?", Alejandro told me as he even broadened the smirk that was plastered on his face. "Um.. Alejandro,if I knew tha.. that narrow path that I took would lead Me to you,I would have continued climbing those plenty stairs.", I stuttered. "How dare you call me Alejandro?, have you by any mistake heard anything or body call me that name." There he goes again. "Mm, I guess that's you name, and I would be the only person to call you that, as you know I like daring people. If  His majesty didn't want anyone to address you by that name, I think he wouldn't have named you Alejandro." I provoked him. "Now Alejandro, kindly lead me downstairs, oh no, I can do it by myself, 'cause if I ask you to, you wouldn't lead me to the path of righteousness, you would lead me to the lath of sin, 'cause I would end up by picking a fight or even use curse words on you, so Bye Alejandro.", I stated as I made my way to finish the task I ran away from earlier on. "You ain't calling me that, and you ought to add some respect ", He said but I could here a grin from gritted teeth because I didn't turn back to look or answer him after he made that silly last statement. I reversed my steps as I made my way back through the same path that lead me to that hoe. I walked, walked, walked, and walked my ass off as I reached my destination. I let out a big sigh of relief as I found myself at the very first place I was brought to by that rumpe. I saw a very beautiful woman standing near the  entrance to the big sitting room. She look like the Queen, because Jazz resembled her like shit. I made my way to honour her presence. I bowed with all due respect, I got up after the long silence that filled the room without anyone talking. I raised my head as I found an empty space where the Queen was standing before. I turned to my left as I saw her walking with maids at the back and in the front of her. Did she just ignore me?, I ran to catch up with her, honestly she was very rude to me. "My lady", I called out to gain her attention, she turned and threw a very pathetic glance at me. I freezed after seeing the way her eyes were positioned due to the glance she threw. "I know who you're, and don't you dare disrespect my son in anyway, don't act smart towards him.", she scoffed as she continued her journey. I just stood at the same position and froze like I was a sausage that was brought out of a deep freezer. With shock and sorrow on my face, I felt a hand wrapped around my shoulder. "Don't mind her attitude, that's how she behaves, don't worry, I'm done with your clothes and all the necessities. I know your size. They're in my brother's room, um.. Your room, excuse me, I have work calling me at my office, goodbye sis, I would be back ASAP." Jazz said lively. I made my way to the general laundry room with the help of a very big map that was pasted on the wall of the castle. It was a huge map that was drawn to enable you know the corners in the castle easier because it was so huge. I walked through empty halls,finally I reached  the laundry room to get some detergent since the one in his room was only one and wouldn't be enough to wash all his stuff. I got three bottles of detergents including bleach, to scrub his bathroom, toilet and also clean the inside of his huge red jacuzzi. I set back to his room, not ignoring the lesson I learnt, this time I took the same elevator, there where many elevators, but as to where they would lead me to, I didn't know, prevention they say is better than cured. I reached the 20th floor, where his room was, I walked like about 25 steps before I got into his goddam room. I opened and entered, and what I saw was devastating, all my hard work had gone in vain. The king sized bed that I clean and made very attractive was now an annoying mess, the bedspread and thick duvet that would take you forever to wash was laying on the floor with this kind of liquid that was undisclosed. I walked further to look at what was in front of me clearly. I bent down to pick them up. The liquid smeared my hand, I smelled it and realized that it was the detergent I saw in his personal laundry room. "Eww, what the fuck!!", I exclaimed angrily and hungrily to eat who came to my mind, Alejandro. I grinned  as I took the mess to his laundry room. I came back noticing the other disgusting things that he did, he smeared the detergent on the golden headboard, he pushed the throw pillows of the bed-like couch on the floor, he littered his dresses on the floor, in fact he did all sorts of disgusting things. How can he behave so childishly,I mean apart from being rude, arrogant, ignorant, he is also childish?, Oh no, he is filled with all that bad qualities, he isn't ashamed of himself. I undid what he did just like what he did earlier. I finished after an hour due to the hugeness of the room. I actually did 'rub & shine', meaning you would clean the only places that are dirty and leave the rest. "Do you want to starve me?", I heard a rude horrible voice ask, as to whom he or she was referring to, wasn't my damn business. I became angry when the voice repeated itself with even a more annoying sound. I turned to see which scavenger was planning to eat my ears up. Became satisfied after seeing who I expected, Alejandro. "Oops, I forgot you said I was to kill you.",I mocked. "And what do you mean by that?", did he even ask me that stupid question?, "'Cause I can't cook!", I stated getting back to what I  was doing. "You dare tell me that shit? You're cooking whether you like it or you like like it.", he blabbed. "And if you act smart I would kill you, the men you see outside of the castle aren't just guards, they're murderers,going for wars every now and then, just try me and I would chop off your limbs." Was he really threatening me?, Even I don't give a fuck about nothing, I do give a fuck about death, with the way he spat with those dangerous eyes, I'm sure he meant everything he said. But why has he turned too bossive all of a sudden?, Duh, just stop thinking about his fierce ways and go and make  something for him to eat,something palatable. I left the room and went looking for the kitchen, cooking room, ha!
Someone has to try my fingers, tasty fingers, not wickedly but lovingly.
"Um.. Can you please show me the kitchen?", I asked one of the thousand guards. "Which one?", which one is what he's asking me?, how many kitchens are there in this palace?, "Um..the appropriate one, the one that is meant for cooking.", I confused him, which kitchen isn't meant for preparing dishes? He looked at me with this kinda confused look, a one that meant that his ass was freaked out. He nodded as he led the way. After climbing up and down, right to left,we finally reached. He left just quickly after I entered, not waitin' for a 'thank you', I wouldn't have even said it.
I have to get to work, I told myself. I didn't even know what to make for this man,mmm, boy. Maybe I should just mix up some stuff, maybe it would turn out to be what he would like.
I saw some spinaches, onions,tomatoes,broccolis, pepper(red and green),cabbages, carrots,spring onions and some other veggies that I haven't seen in my life before. The veggies looked like they were in the veggie tray for about a few days, but trust me, they were as fresh as Alejandro's skin, why am I even praising his skin?, Tsk. I chop a few of the needed veggies, put the the frying pan on the gas stove. I wanted to  fry them,some chicken and sausages that I took from the huge fridge, but I didn't see any oil. I went to look for the oil but couldn't find it, the kitchen was so big that you have to make large stretches and splits before you could pick a thing. I seached and searched but I couldn't find it. I made my way outside to search for Jazz,maybe she could be of some help to me. Why don't I see maids in this kitchen?,  I stepped out of the kitchen then landed on something, that something,unknown. I felt my waist in the arms of somebody, who could be in front of the kitchen, the way I fell in the arms, it seemed like the dude was waitin' for me to come out so that they could catch me. Due to the tension, I closed my eyes, not wanting to see myself fall like a baby learning to walk and falling after loosing balance. I opened my eyes after a few seconds,about ten, pushed  myself out of what I was in, Alejandro's arms. "What the fuck!" I yelled after saving a distance. "You're welcomed, if that's how you say thank you in your freaking world.", I replied with an annoying smirk. "And where the heck are you going without preparing my meal, I'm starving,for food. OMG! What am I just going through today, after fighting with my dad,he calling me a nuisance, then a bitch bumping into me, then I becoming a savi--" What does he think of himself? ""Point of correction, you bumped into me, you not mentioning the name of that bitch doesn't mean that I don't know who she is,", I said "and to add,you ain't my savior!" I yelled to complete the statement I left hanging. "Get your ass back into that kitchen and get me something to eat, I would get you the oil,I know where everything is, I have been watching my formal maid cook for me everyday, this is my personal kitchen, that's why you can't see any maid around. she would even wait for me to come back from work before she would start cooking, not that I  didn't trust her, but I enjoyed it, but for you I would watch you cook for me, so that I would prevent you from adding odd things, when I say odd things, you know what I me--" He talks a lot. "Save that for future use." I said as I stormed back into the kitchen, and I sensed that he was following me. I turned quickly after feeling someone tap my shoulder. I turned quickly and was embraced with a bottle of oil. "And you can find that under the counter." He said. What am I gonna prepare for this bastard now?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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