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Clapping erupts causing me to awake from my peaceful slumber about what England is like in the autumn and how different it could be from America and, of course, seeing my brother again. 

"Why do people clap when the plane lands?" I wonder as I unclip my belt buckle and grab my hand luggage from the over head and wait for the majority of people to leave the plane. A mother of two waves her hand in front of me to tell me I can get of the plane, I smile and nod whilst saying thank you.

The cold autumn air sends a slight chill down my spine, I take a large breath of fresh air as my feet touch the solid ground. I text my brother to tell him I've arrived.

( You= Y)

(Ethan = E)

Y : Hey Eth, I've just landed just gotta get my suitcase and I'll be sorted. See ya soon!

E : Great, I'll be waiting at the airport's south exit. Talk soon, hurry up tho I'm freezing my tits off waiting for you 

And with that I wait until my bag is on the bagging area (or what ever you call it). A couple minutes go past and finally my bag escapes the endless cycle of going around and around and is now in my hands. Dodging and weaving in between groups of people I finally make it to the southern exit. I see him looking down at his phone not noticing I'm looking at him.

"Ethan!" I scream at the top of my lungs earning some questionable looks from those around me but I don't care, I'm seeing my brother for the fist time in four years.

"(y/n)!" He looks up and shouts back in the same excitement, he runs forward and we meet in a tight hug. 

"God I've missed you" I say as we pull away 

"Same here" He says lightly punching my arm

We laugh and catch up on what's happened during the four years I've been away in America for school. He has been hitting up the gym, the sidemen had a bit of a rough patch. Simon now has a girlfriend called Talia Mar which I assume some of his fan girls are upset about. And more but I can't be bothered to share.

We arrive finally at his car and I open the boot and throw my suitcase in the back and shut it. I clamber into the car and sit in shot gun. Me being me I hit my head on my way into the car and of course Ethan laughs whilst I rub my head with a pout as I put my seat belt on.

"Do you want to put some songs on then" He says happily

I nod my head and grab the AUX cord and plug in my phone. I shuffle my playlist that has 200+ songs on and start to sing along to 3 Nights by Dominic Fike. I move my body to the beat slightly which earns a laugh from Ethan, I laugh and smile at him but continue to jam out, soon after he joins into my little sing and dance session. Once the songs finishes we laugh for a while. Even though I've been away for a few years it doesn't seem like our relationship has changed a single bit. 

"So about the sleeping arrangement, I don't have any room in my flat for you to sleep at the moment, so that will mean you'll have to sleep in the sidemen house with the boys I've asked if it's okay and they all said yeah. Or I can book a hotel or something for you stay in whilst you're here?"

"It's fine, I'll stay at the house with "the boys" as you say, I think it'll be fun. I'll get to catch up with them too." I shrug 

"You sure? They are pretty crazy" Ethan asks

"Yep" I assure him.

-----Time skip-----

We pull up outside of the house, I'm in aw of how amazing it looks. Ethan goes up to the door and I follow behind him, my heart racing as I begin to think what if they don't remember me, will this be awkward, will they like me, It's bee-

"Behz, how you doing man!" Tobi says answering the door with a huge smile. He looks at me and smiles still.

"(y/n)! Long time no see, how are you?" He askes pulling into a small hug. I guess they remember me.

"I'm good thanks you?" I ask him smiling

"Brilliant, hang on a sec I'll get the boys down" I nod as he turns around and enters the house again with both me and Ethan following him in.

"Fam get your arses down here we have a guest!" Tobi shouts up the stairs I laugh as he turns around and tells us to follow him to the living room.

As I walk into the room Josh is sat on the chair on his phone, we greet each other and talk as we wait for the others. Right when I sit down I hear talking from the other boys as they make their way to the living room. When they enter they all bar Simon have their mouths slightly open as they stop talking and stop in their tracks. I giggle at the sight of these grown men right now. I stand up to say hi to them.

"Hey, it's been a while" I laugh as push my finger against the bottom of my chin to tell them to shut their mouths. In which they do so. First to speak up was Simon.

"Hey (y/n/n). You're looking well" He says smiling before walking past to sit on the bean bag in the corner.

Then Vik.

"Hi" He says quickly before walking backwards and back up stairs. I look at Josh with a raised eyebrow to which he just shrugs. I guess I'll talk to him later. He's probably just a bit busy at the moment.

And finally Harry.

"Y-yo" He stutters before smiling, "You-you look ... wow" he whispers making my cheeks flush a light red. I look down and turn that's when we both start to walk to the sofa where the rest of them are, all but JJ but I was informed that he's at boxing training.


There you have it guys my first chapter of this book, I have a rough idea about what will happen but we'll see where it goes. I'd just like to clarify that in this book Harry lives in the sidemen house. That's it for now, I'll post soon 


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