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Harry's POV

Now that (y/n) isn't leaving to go back to America I finally have a chance to be with her because I think she was hesitant before not only because of Katie but because of the distance. But now we have all the time in the world. 

Your POV 

We laugh the morning away as before we knew it it was 2 in the afternoon. 

"Should we go get some lunch?" I ask standing up

"Sure, what ya thinking?" Ethan questions

"NANDOS!" JJ yells 

"Never had it" I shrug. They all direct their eyes to me with open mouths

"What did you just say?" Harry asks shocked

"Just never really thought it would be my thing, and (y/f/n) said she didn't like it so we never went" I reply

"Is your friend good." Simon adds

I laugh and shake my head.

"No she's not." I joke, "Alright I guess we shall go to Nandos" 

They all cheer as they leave the room to put some shoes on. 

"You've seriously never had a Nandos before?" Harry asks as we walk out together.

I shake my head in reply.

"Well, it bloody amazing. You'll love it!" He assures slipping his trainers on.

"I guess we will have to wait and see" I smile.

----- Time skip -----

"So... how was it?" Tobi asks as we walk out of the restaurant

"I can see why you guys love it so much" I laugh instantly regretting it because I ate too much

"Yeah you should have slown down on the fries" He laughs 

"You could have told me that before hand" I moan

----- Time skip -----

I collapse on the sofa once we enter the house. We all feel full and if I see any more food I might just throw up. 

"So how was your first Nanods (y/n)?" Simon asks slouching on the chair

"Bloody amazing, I can't believe that (y/f/n) doesn't like it" I chuckel pushing myself up.

Once again the day flies past and not much has happened. Before any of us know it it's dark outside and 9 at night. We all begin to feel tired so we say our goodbyes to Tobi and Ethan and watch as they drive out of the drive way. We all crawl up the stairs and enter our rooms. 

I'm back. Back home. With my family, my friends. With a job that I enjoy. 


I know that this chapter isn't the best but i wanted to get something out now that I've come back from holiday. I might try to get another out today but I can't promise that 


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