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Harry's POV

I begin to daydream when we get in the car on the way back to the sidemen house hold, I begin to create scenarios of what would happen when I break up with Katie. Don't get me wrong I do love her but just not as a girlfriend, my heart and mind are set on (y/n). 

How it goes (In my head)

I get off of the phone with Katie and release the breath I had been holding for the most of that call, I can almost guaranty that I won't be talking to Katie for a while because I could tell she was on the verge of crying whilst on the phone. But I've done it now. My heart break slightly when I think of her crying with puffy eyes and tears streaming down her face. However I man up and stride over to (y/n). When she hears foot steps behind her she pivots around to face me.

"I did it, I broke up with her. I'm single... and ready to mingle" I joke 

A beaming smile crosses over her face as she pulls me into a tight squeeze.

"We'll that means I can do this" She goes onto her tip toes, cups my face in her hands and places a soft kiss on my lips. 

When we finish kissing we pull away and my arms snake their way around her waist to keep her close, she smiles and looks up at me.

"Miss (y/n), will you do me a favour and be my girlfriend?" 

She giggles before replying, "Of course"


when I get off of the phone with Katie I go to find (y/n). She spins around to look at me.

"What can I do for you my dear" She asks smiling.

"Well, I just broke up with Katie because I love you. And I was wondering if you would be mine?" I question looking down at the floor.

She pauses before replying.

"I can't. I mean I can but it wouldn't be fair on Katie, or you to be honest. You just came out of a relationship probably ruining one when you did so. You need to take a break from love. I'm sorry. But I'll be here, waiting." She sadly smiles before walking off leaving me alone in the kitchen.


So yeah it can either go really bad or really good. I'm hopping for the good option but you never know. But I know somethings for sure, I'm breaking up with Katie after like 3 days. I have a feeling that the breaking up part will go well as in that we won't be together anymore however I doubt that we will have a good relationship after it.


When we get back to the house everybody else sits in the living room to discuss how the video when today and who will be the quickest at editing it as it has to be up today as we were late filming because we were all getting ready for (y/n) to come. I take my trainers off at the door and run up the stairs and enter my bedroom. I crash onto the double bed then procced to take out my phone to call my almost ex. 

The phone begins to ring and in by the time two rings she answers.

"Hey harribo, what's up?" She asks happily, not knowing what I'm about to say.

"Um so this is kinda hard to say this but." I pause and I can sense that her happy attitude has dropped "Wow okay here I go, I don't think we are right for each other." I state

"W-What do you mean?" She asks

"I mean that I don't have these sort of feelings for you, I have them for somebody else. I still want a friendship with you and I know that you might not, but just know that I'm always here if you need anybody to talk to even though I'm probably the last person you'd want to talk to after today." I reply

She doesn't say anything but I can hear her sobbing faintly before hanging up.

"I'm sorry" I whisper for nobody to hear but I just want her to know that I was.

Unlike my day dream I didn't go rushing out of the room to go find her, instead I stayed away for a couple of minutes just thinking. Should I really ask her out now, maybe not but I'll tell all of them that I'm not with Katie anymore because that's a start, and starts are always good.

And with that I emerge from my room and slowly walk down the stairs and enter the lively living room where everybody is chatting and laughing. 

"Ayy the bog boy has returned" Behz exclaims making everybody chuckle.

"What's up?" (y/n) asks patting the space next to her on the floor.

"I have some news" I explain

"Katie's pregnant!" JJ shouts jokingly

"I mean that's a bit early and you haven't been back to Guernsey for a while so I would be worried mate" Simon chuckles 

"No. But it is about her though. I'm no longer with her" I admit as I sit next to (y/n).

Everybody looks at me but not in a bad way but in a way that they agree that I shouldn't have been with her.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that bud, but can I ask why?" Vik asks already knowing the answer

"I like somebody else" I say bluntly as that person already knows.

"So you do really like me" (y/n) Whispers in my ear sounding shocked. I nod my head looking at her

"Can I speak to you in private Harry" She says standing up with an extended hand to pull me up which I take and follow her outside of the room.

"I'm going to say this now, I'm flattered that you would do that for me but I can't be with you right now as you just came out of a relationship and that wouldn't be fair on you or Katie. You need to go out with the boys for a little bit and have some fun, I'll be here waiting, waiting until you are truly ready. I promise." She says wrapping her arms around my chest to pull me into a hug. I wrap my arms around her waist and hug her back.

"Okay. I understand, and you're right" I say as we pull away from the hug.

We walk back into the room and sit back down. JJ mouths "Are you two a thing?" to which I shake my head as he pouts.

"You guys go out tonight. I'll edit the video and upload it. And don't argue back because I won't change my mind. You know what I'll start doing it now." (y/n) proposes as she gets up and walks to the stairs.

"Do you even know how to edit?" Josh asks

"What do you think. I studied film at uni for 4 years so I think I can manage" She states sarcastically before continuing her way upstairs.

"Can I use one of your guy's computer to do it?" She shouts from upstairs.

"Don't use mine! You don't want to see what's on it!" JJ yells 

"You can use mine" I laugh

"Thanking you" She says before we hear a door close.

Me and the boys stay downstairs for a little longer before saying we were going to get ready to go out. 

I jog up the stairs when I hear music. I start to sing along to it as I open the door, I see (y/n) also singing along to the song with my headphones on and editing, she didn't hear me come in.

I creep up behind her as she swivels in the chair. I scare her by quickly putting my hands on her shoulders and yelling. She screams but then laughs and so do I.

"Jesus, thanks Harry you gave me a bloddy heart attack" She says whilst turning down the music.

"You're welcome. I came up here to get ready for tonight, how's the video coming along?" I ask

"Almost done, it's a longer one but it's good. The fans will enjoy it. If I get it done right now I'll join you guys tonight so bare with me it'll take like 15 minutes" she replies turning back around and starts editing.

"Okay, I'm going to have a shower so you have about 15 minutes before I need you to leave the room" I state as I walk over towards the bathroom.

Tonight will be fun, the boys and (y/n). We'll all have a good laugh and maybe some drinks who knows.

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