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(Next day)

I wake up with a throbbing head, the slither of light that hasn't been blocked by my curtains blinds me and causes sharp pains in my head. I drag myself out of bed to go downstairs to get some medicine and water. I have no idea how I ended up in my room last night but I don't care.

I slowly slide down the stairs and head over to where they keep the medicine. I get 6 glasses of water. Once I take my tablet I hear some groaning from the living room, I already had the tablets and water in my hands so I made my way over to the room. I see that the other boys must have fallen asleep down here. The groan came from Ethan and then as I walk in Harry moans then it's like they all waited for me to enter for them all to moan and groan. I chuckle slightly and place all of the glasses down next to them all with the tablet next to it.

"Why did we decided to drink so much last night" JJ moans sitting up and taking his tablet. 

I sit down next to Ethan.

"Why aren't you looking like us and moaning?" He asks once he swallows his tablet. 

"I guess I got more sleep then you lot and I took my tablet before you" I reply.

He moans once more then hugs me and rests his head on my shoulder. I shake my head and quietly chuckle. I pat his head and not lightly. He shoots his head back up.

"What was that for you boob" He says a little louder, I laugh.

"Just felt like it" I shrug as I rise up from the sofa.

"Josh, Tobi look after them for a little bit. I'm going to get ready. Do you have any ice polls?" I ask

"Uh, yeah. Why?" Josh answers

"They help my hangover" I state as I walk back over to the kitchen. "If I were you I'd get them all one" I say from just outside the door.

I make my way back up the stairs and enter my room. I brush my teeth to get rid of the alcohol on my breath and have a shower. Once I get out I brush my hair and let it dry naturally. I pick out a simple outfit which was just an oversized jumper with jeans (media). I ate my ice poll which cooled me down making me feel a lot better already. I throw the rubbish in the small bin that was in my room. I still wonder about what happened last night at the club but then I don't get caught up on it because I had the main idea in my head, and if it wasn't for the two men it was the best night I've had in a long time. With that, I leave the privacy of my room and head downstairs again.

Once I enter the room I see that everybody else is looking more like themselves. I smile as I see that they all look happy and not like Zombies.

"What you smiling at (y/n)?" Harry asks

"You all look really happy and not so dead anymore" I reply sitting next to the boy that saved me.

"Oh before I forget, Harry, thanks for coming to look for me because if you didn't god knows where I would be right now" I smile at him.

"It's all good" He replies patting my leg. 

With every touch he does sends goosebumps all over my body. I want to wait, wait for us to get into a relationship but at the same time, I want to be with him right here right now.


My phone rings from my pocket. I grab it and see that I've gotten an email from the place job I applied for. My heart races as I begin to open my phone. I guess my smile fell from my face as well because Harry looks at me and asks what the matter. I say that I had gotten an email from the workplace. 

"Well open it then" Says Vik excitedly 

I do as he says and open it, I had a good feeling that I had the job, however, i was wrong. I didn't get it and it was an email to say that I didn't get it.

"I don't have the job" I say sadly.

"What are you going to do the?" Ethan asks raising an eyebrow

"I don't know, I have barely any money so I can't afford a house of anything like that. I lived in a dorm room, which I don't have now because I don't go to school anymore and when summer ended iI was living with my friend at her place but she's moving out of the state. I'm homeless and jobless. Great just great" I sigh.

Silence fills the room.

"You can live here!" Harry shouts happily

"Yeah, you could, I mean you are our editor at the moment so we can pay you." Simon explains

"I don't know." I say crossing my arms

"Come on, it will be fun. And you can be closer to your family again, and us" Vik pitches in

"Viks right, when you were away for them years mum and I really missed you" Ethan replies.

"Fine. I'll stay for longer. I brought pretty much everything I owned with me so I don't need to go back to America. SO I've basically moved in already." I smile

I stand up and start to hug everyone.

"what's this for?" Tobi says as I hug him

"You guys have done so much for me and I've only been here like 2 days. I love you all so much!" I reply smiling a big smile.

"aww I love you too!" JJ shouts as I go into hugging him. He slaps my butt as I turn away from him, I look behind me to see him looking away trying to act like he did nothing. I laugh as I sit back down on the sofa. 

Maybe me not getting that job was a good idea, yes I will miss America but I've had my time there, now it's time to stay with my family. My true family and my newfound family. The sidemen.


Three uploads in one day, I guess I was feeling like the story needs to move on a bit faster. Hope you enjoyed


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