Part 3 Truth or Dare

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About one hour later everyone is in the common room besides Deku.

Uraraka POV.

I needed a plan to get them together... Todoroki already got the ball rolling so what am I going to do?.... Oh wait!!... " who wants to play truth or dare? " i tell everyone looks over at me and agrees to play! We all sit down in a circle. I quickly shot a text to the dekusquad leaving out Deku of course.

Kerby: ok I know we're all part of the tododeShipPage! I know they could be so cute so I'm this game I really need you guys to push it with questions say we really need to target them😝🌈

Froppy🐸: yasssssss this is gonna be fun!!

Ida👓:I agree but keep them appropriate and Sue yasssssss is not a word.

Uraraka POV.

Yes!!! This is going to be perfect!... ok looks like everyone's here .... "17 18 19 wait there 20 of us... Wait Deku!" I say then I see Tokoroki " hey Todoroki can you go grab Deku he's in dorm number##!" I say  as he slowly gets up and walks away to Deku's dorm. Hopefully they talk on there way back

Tokoroki POV.

That girl is strange why would she pick m.... oh I see TodoDeku... At least I get to talk to Midoriya again although I think he hates me at this point that was a lot for one day hopefully this game has nothing to do with TodoDeku. As I get to his dorm i knock a couple times no answer.... That's weird... I slowly walk in...  He was laying on his bed asleep... He's so adorable he was in a comfy oversized gray all might sweat shirt. His messy green hair making him cuter then ever...What do I do.... Should I wake him up..... As I approach his sleeping body
I trip on my shoelace causing me to fall on top of Deku.... When I open my eyes I'm An inch away from his face!... His eyes flutter open and he looks up at me puts both hands on my face and kisses me on the forehead... My left side activates as I burst a dark red!!... I quickly turn it off and look back at Deku who was smiling at me sleepily then moving his hands down and holding on to my arms.... He was only half awake so I say his name softly a few times and he wakes up.... When he opens his eyes now story of awake he starts to blush... I forget I was in top of him..... Realizing this made me blush again and I try to get up but he was still holding on..... Dam it what do I do? I look at him again" we need to go to the common room to play truth or dare" he looks up slowly "c can I ride on y your b back I'm to t tried to walk? " Midoriya says while yawning. Before I could answer he climb s on my back and I try to hide the fact I was blushing really hard...

Midoriya POV.

As I slowly wake up realized what had just happened... I was on his back... I realized we had just walked into the common room and I start blushing really badly so I try to hide my face.... I but then I realized I had just buried my face into his neck making both of us blush even more!! What was wrong with me! Everyone was talking pictures and giggling...and as he sets me down he looks me straight in the eyes just staring at me with wonder I look away and try to sit down as far away as possible to him but that didn't work next to him was my only option....

Uraraka POV.

That Todoroki sure makes it easy for me!!! I'm so ready to get this started!

Truth or Dare
uraraka:Ok I'm gonna go first! Midoriya t or d?
Midoriya: truth
Uraraka: what's your sexuality?
Midoriya :(dam it what is my sexuality... I mean I guess I'm Bi right) Bi
Uraraka:wow I didn't know that!ok your turn
Midoriya: Ida t or d
Ida: dare
Midoriya: I dare you to say the f word
Ida:  f**k there you happy
Ida: Todoroki t or d
Todoroki: dare
Ida: I dare you to hold Deku's hand for the next 5 rounds
Todoroki:( I look at Midoriya grab his hand and we inter lock fingers his hand was so warm. I try not to look at him)done

Five minutes later..( when I was writing this I couldn't help but hear the sponge Bob guy)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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