The songs she wrote and sang.

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I have a second account, nataliejsaroff, so if work overlaps dont worry

So this was supposed to be multiple chapters. Its my own little twist on the classic cinderella sister. I've been wanting to write on since last summer. Never had the time. Anyway we are studing culture in english, and one of the most common fairy tales is the Cinderella story. This was for my english and I tried as best to shortan it to 4 pages, it was originally 12 because i have huge handwriiting

Her name was Clarissa. And to many she was average on the

outside. She had a mother, father, and siblings. She went to school, had dreams and goals. She was talented. She was just like any one else on the outside.

But behind her adverageness, Clarissa was a dreamer, she loved to sing, and write songs.

Her parents on the other hand did not support this at all. Her mother wanted to be a doctor or medical surgeon. Her father was very serious about college and medical school, he wanted her to get a PhD. Her sibling's thought she was weird. Very weird, they treated her as a loser at school, completely ignoring her existence. She went to Koobreay High school, which was named after Dr Koobreay one of the big donor's for the school who at one point taught there. The unfortunate thing was that this money was spent on sports and the highly rated human services program there. The art's program, only had one teacher, she taught choir, visual art, theater and creative writing. Her name was Ms. Weston..

Near the high school was Curtisvil University, named after Curtisvil street where it is located on. Every year the arts program hosted and sponcered an Open mike at the local coffee, Catherine's Chocolates, Coffee and Biscottie's shop, open to the public of the near by community. Ms. Weston greatly encouraged her students to participate in the open mike. But they need parent's approval and signature. Unfortunately Clarissa's parents did not at all believe in art and did not want her to go. It was that night five days before open Mike, she had been crying for hours, and when she finally calmed down enough Clarissa's wrote a total of 6 ½ songs eventually falling asleep. For the next 3 days she fought with her parents, Clarissa's tried to point out the positive of the experience. But her mother and father told her she needed to work on her college resume and boosting up the B- she had in most her classes. On that same night was the college expo at her school, and her parents to get college options

Maggie, Clarissa's best friend, tried to cheer her up by saying there would likely be other chances for performing later on, but Clarissa's better. In about a year and a half she'd be in college and then medical school. She'd never again have the opportunity and all that emotion would just stay bottled up. Maggie she had to do something so she told Ms Weston everything 2 days before the Open mike. That's when a plan was created. Ms. Weston would give the excuse that Clarissa's was helping set up for the college expo. Since the expo didn't start till 6:30 and Open mike started at 5 she had an hour and a half to get there, perform and get back. Maggie would be the transportation and Ms. Weston would distract Clarissa's parents. She had to be back by 6:25 because her parent's are always early.

The moment school ended Maggie grabbed Clarissa's and told her every thing of the plan. Clarissa's was ecstatic, she couldn't believe it, she was going to the Open Mike. When she gave her parents the note they were delighted

“you finally are taking your education into account” said her mother

“none of that dumb art's stuff, this will definitely look good on your resume” said her father.

But Clarissa's just nodded in agreement with everything her parents said.

The next day she went, she went to school as normal, nothing to hide but the song notebook in her bag. When the school day ended at 3pm she went to the music room to practice till Maggie would arrive. The moment Maggie entered the room and saw Clarissa's boring t-shit and and black leather jeans, she screamed. As a budding fashion designer she quickly ran to the fabric closet and sown a red jacket she then searched throw her clothing rack till she found a gray dress. By the time Maggie got back it was 4:50pm “put this on she yelled as she tossed the gray dress and red jacket to Clarissa. Clarissa was confused at first, when she was tossed the clothes since she had really never had the chance to perform on her own before and didn't know at all what to wear.

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