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tw: use of alcohol

Logan was working late, again.

Virgil didn't have a problem staying up to see him when he got home. He was just worried. Logan had been overworking himself, Virgil could clearly see that. He had always thought Logan to be the smart one of the friend group, but very wrong he was.

Virgil didn't have to be a genius to know that when Logan, who long ago swore off taking Adderall, smelled of coffee, he was tired. Not to mention all of the physical differences.

It wasn't a matter of needing money to provide for the both of them, they lived comfortably and they were both financially satisfied. It was just that Logan loved his job. Virgil thought for sure he would marry it if he could.

Virgil enjoyed his job. He nannied for a few kids who claimed that they 'didn't need babysitters.' This term, he called it a term because he went back to watch them almost every school year for two years now, had ended about a week ago as the kids' parents had gotten back for summer, which meant he would live with Logan again in their apartment.

Tonight was an extra late night for Logan which meant Virgil was also still up waiting for him to get home.

When Logan unlocked the apartment door it was nearly two in the morning. Virgil was sitting on the sofa, scrolling through something on his phone. He eyed Logan as the man walked into the apartment, closing and locking the door quietly. He waited for Logan to say something first.

"Late night." Logan wore a hangdog smile.

"Lo, it's nearly two in the morning." 

"Sorry." Logan mumbled awkwardly.

"No. You're not sorry. I'm not stupid. I know you don't have to stay there this long. You choose to. Don't say sorry if you're going to choose your work over me." Virgil was irritated. His voice hostile.

Logan winced. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came.

"Yeah, I thought so." Virgil frowned, standing and checking his pockets before unlocking the door and leaving. He slammed it behind him.

Virgil knew exactly where he was going. Two blocks from the apartment complex. A bar.

Seeing as the couple fought often, Virgil always ended up here.

He entered the shop, which looked fairly peaceful on the outside, but was like a hellhole on the inside. He gave a small smile to the bartender, his friend Remy.

"Girl, again?" The man asked. He sported a black leather jacket over a white tee and black jeans.

Virgil nodded. "Told him that if he was going to choose work over me that he wasn't allowed to say sorry."

Remy simply scoffed, rolling his eyes at the thought of the man. "Your usual?"

"No, I think I need something stronger." Virgil replied.

"I got you, girl." Remy nodded solemnly. The man disappeared for a moment, coming back with a shot glass of clear liquid.

"Straight Spirytus Rektyfikowany, the strongest thing I have. Ninety-six percent alcohol." He set it in front of Virgil. "Throw it back, sis."

Virgil did, smiling numbly as the liquid burned its path down his throat. Virgil wasn't a lightweight, he knew how to handle his alcohol, but this was strong.

"That. More of that." Virgil responded, sliding the glass back to Remy.

Four shots later Virgil barely recognized his own name and claimed that he could hear colors, so Remy cut him off.

"Why'd you need something stronger, Verge? What's bugging you?" Remy asked.

"Beecuz' Lowgan makez my life sooo hard." He slurred.

"Alright, sis. Call him and tell him Remy got you shitfaced and that you aren't mad anymore." Remy smiled softly at his friend as the man fumbled with his phone before lifting it to his ear.

Virgil was surprised when instead of hearing Logan's regretful, 'where are you's he heard a husky sleep voice.

"Hello?" Virgil realized then that he had called Roman.

"Shhit. Yer, na' Lowgan."

"Virgil?" Roman's voice had cleared up some. Virgil had woken the man.

"Sorryyy, Ro."

"You good, man?" Roman asked. "You sound," Roman paused, searching for the right word, "not good."

"Remy got me shiffaced and 'm not mad an'more."  Virgil responded.

Remy face palmed. He didn't know who Virgil was talking to, but he sure as hell knew it wasn't Logan.

"Virgil I'll call you right back, okay?" Roman asked.


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