Oh My

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Then he raps his arms around me while still kissing me and pulls his hands down till he's happy we're they are I put my hands in his back pocket
I can feel his smiling as he is still in a kiss.

Shiros mind:damb he's good at kissing
And touching me hehehe but the size of his back pockets are tiny all u could fit in them is a tiny flip phone or something idk, should I kiss him harder wait I was thinking about his pockets not about kissing him harder.

I bite Adams bottom lip then he blushes and I slowly pull away and bite his neck and kiss his neck, I hear is slight moan and a giggle a bit.

"u think we should stop now shiro..."
"u let a bruise on my neck"
"oh well"
"ur late shiro"
Wait what OH NO"


A loud bang at the door scared me I got up and opened it.

"hello ur late again"
"I'm sorry I sleep in ^~^"

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