Chapter 2- Could Someting Be There?

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Shayne's POV

When I read the lines that came after Tanner (me) and Courtney's awkward conversation, I was really nervous. Hell, for a second I even checked my breath.

I looked up at Courtney as she was saying something about the kiss being way less romantic in real life. But, I could barely hear what she was saying because of the nerves I had.

I wasn't complaining though, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss Courtney at least once.

For some reason at that moment Courtney's eyes looked even prettier than usual. She looked at me a bit confused and I realized I should re-read my lines for the video.

I put my hand to Courtney's face gently and took a step closer. Our faces were now only a few inches apart. We were so close I could've counted her eyelashes.

I don't know why I was nervous, it wasn't like there would be anything there if we kissed...right?

I mean, the fans say we have great chemistry and we'd be cute together or whatever, but I'd never really thought of her like that. She was just Courtbourt, one of my close friends.

Finally I got the nerve to kiss her and leaned in.

This, was unexpected. The warmth of her lips against mine gave me butterflies. I put my other hand to her waist so it wouldn't look awkward. I felt her nails graze my shoulder lightly, and immediately felt my cheeks grow red.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds but god I wish it hadn't.

Courtney pulled away first and so I followed. We finished the video and I couldn't bring myself to even look at her. I don't know if it's because I felt something towards her or if I was embarrassed... but, either way I didn't look up.

I saw Courtney go to her desk so I decided to go to mine, which of course was right next to hers.

I tried to look busy while I thought about what had just happened so, I went on my phone.

Suddenly, I could feel Courtney's eyes on me and I looked up to meet hers.

She looked at me with a slightly confused expression, which made me a bit nervous. She looked away after a second or two and I looked back down at my phone.

Could I have feelings for Courtney Miller?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it's pretty short but I had a boost of inspiration for the next chapter :) I'll be trying to update weekly or so! I think I might make it in Shayne's POV from now on with occasional chapters from Courtney's? Idk I like writing as him better, and I think this chapter was way better than Courtney's. We'll see!!

<3 Ruby

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