HOW TO: Pastel Silhouette

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What You Need:
⋙ PicsArt
⋙ Phonto

Open up PicsArt and choose a plain color as your background (512×800)

Open up PicsArt and choose a plain color as your background (512×800)

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Add a sticker of your actress/actor and adjust to your liking. It should look like this:

Then paste a pastel sticker and cover the whole page with the sticker

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Then paste a pastel sticker and cover the whole page with the sticker. Press 'blend' and press 'lighten' and it should look like this:

 Press 'blend' and press 'lighten' and it should look like this:

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Open up Phonto and add the title. Now it should look like this:

 Now it should look like this:

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

P.S: Too lazy to come up with a nice title so just ignore the dumb title lol

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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