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Oliver looks at the computer screen, "wait how is that possible?" He says to Felicity. Lyla looks at oliver "guys tell me where he is!" "He's at verdant! In our first bunker!" Oliver puts on his green arrow suit on and grabs his bow and arrows, he gets outside and jumps on his motorcycle. He drives to his sister's club as fast as he can. When he arrives he hears loud music and once he stands infront of the door he sees many people dancing. Oliver remembered that they closed the secret entrance as soon they moved bunkers to protect his little sister Thea, so he had to go through all the dancing people as the green arrow. "Everyone stay calm but get out of this club as soon as you can!!" He said while walking in. Everyone ran out screaming except for Thea, who didn't know Oliver was the Green Arrow. "You don't scare me, this is my club!" She said to Oliver.  Oliver turned on his voice changer, "I'm not here to hurt you Thea Queen, someone else is in danger and he's underneath your club, if you don't leave you might be in danger as well". Oliver walked past Thea to the old bunker. He types the code of the door and runs in. "JOHN!" he yells without getting a response. When he walked further into the bunker he saw someone who looked like a man from where he saw it, standing over someone in a chair, that person in the chair must be John. Oliver runs to the man and the chair and hits the man who's standing above him. "I found John!" Oliver says through his com. He helps John to get free from the chair when he sees the man, who was clothed all in black plus a black mask, standing up. The man sees Oliver trying to get John free "I don't think that's going to happen today Oliver Queen". Oliver was just shocked when the man said his name. He cut John free from the chair, and Oliver pulled the back off of John's head that was pulled on by the man before. John looked beated up. He got bruises and scratches all over his face. The man grabbed a stick that laid on the ground, Oliver saw it and yelled through his comm "send A.R.G.U.S hel-" Oliver and John got hit on the head and both passed out.

At A.R.G.U.S
"OLIVER!?" Felicity yelled as soon Oliver stopped his sentence. She got no response of course. "You have to send your team to verdant!" Felicity said worried to Lyla. "Our men's life are at risk!" Lyla got an A.R.G.U.S team together and she went with her team to verdant.

Meanwhile at Verdant
The man in black put Oliver and John, who were still knocked out, in the back of a van. He got in front and drove away with Oliver and John.
The A.R.G.U.S team arrived at verdant and ran down to the old bunker. "They're not here!" Lyla says to Felicity through her comm. Lyla sees Oliver's bow in the floor and takes it back to A.R.G.U.S.
Felicity takes the bow from Lyla and takes some of Oliver's blood of off it. "With his blood I can track them, but we have to get to the arrowcave, I need my toys for this.

With Oliver and John
They wake up in a cel. "Where are we? And where is my bow!?" Oliver says mad to no one in particular. "I don't know Oliver, the only thing I do know is that we have to get out of here." John replies. Suddenly Oliver and John see someone walking towards them, it's the same man from before. "Let's talk to my boss, he'll know what to do with the two of you " the man says while smirking. He takes Oliver and John out of the cell. Oliver kicks him to get free but the man injects him with something so Oliver can't move. He takes Oliver and John to another room, there's a man sitting on a chair but his back is turned to them so they can't see who it is. The man who got them out of the cel thights them up on two chairs. He takes off his mask and Oliver's mouth falls open, "Roy!?"

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