Roy Harper

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at argus

Felicity is behind an argus computer.
"Lyla we have to get Oliver and diggle back, asap!"

"Felicity I'm aware and I want nothing else than Johnny back but who ever took them is good, real good. maybe you should go home to William"

"I'm not going home without Oliver!"

with Oliver and John

"ROY!?" Oliver says confused. "what the hell do you think you're doing!?"

someone in a chair, which is turned around starts laughing. "oh kiddo"

the man waits a few minutes and then turns around.
it's Slade Wilson, the man who was on Lian yu with Oliver.

'Slade!?' says Oliver confused. 'I killed you! how are you- how are you alive? I don't understand!"

"you see kiddo, you didn't kill me" slade points at where his eye used to be "you just removed fifty percent of my sight"

"slade let Roy and diggle go! this is between you and me! no one else has to get hurt!"

"Well kiddo" slade says while he walks to John with a knife. "I am" he cuts john loose. "well I'm letting you and your John Diggle go, roy will be of good use. With the mirakuru in his system he can help me with my army, with helping the people, with putting down your city!!" Slade walks to Oliver and cuts him loose.

Oliver get up from the chair he was tied up on. "If you even lay one finger on my city!"

(S for slade, O for Oliver)

S: what are you going to do kiddo?

O: I'm the reason why shado's dead not this city!

S: You don't get to say her name!

Slade grabs Roy and puts a knife against his troat.
"If you dont leave now he's dead!"

A little while later at Argus

John and Oliver walk into the room where Felicity and Lyla.

felicity runs to oliver and hugs him, then looks him in his eyes and says "thank god you're okay! wait are you okay? please say you're okay. gosh I missed you." She hugs him again.

"Felicity I'm fine, but we have to get Roy free. He was the one who kidnapped diggle, but not because he wanted to but because of a drug, mirakuru. I have some experience with that drug from the island."

A few days earlier

Roy's walking through the glades, not as arsenal but as himself, as Roy Harper. A few of Slade's men walk towards Roy and knock him out.

"Roy Harper, I heard you like fighting and strength" Slade says while he gets an serum ready to inject Roy with. "this will help you to be even stronger, but you will help me destroy this city or I'll kill your precious Thea Queen."

R: don't you dare to talk about her!

S: already making demands I see.

R: who the hell are you!?

S: I'm a man who made a promise to Oliver Queen.

R: I'm not oliver!

S: and you don't know what my promise was! I'm a man of my word, I always, ALWAYS, keep my promised kid!

Slade injects Roy with the serum, mirakuru. Roy groans and slade is just watching Roy suffer with a big smile on his face.

The present day at oliver's apartment.

Oliver and Felicity walk into the apartment after hours being gone, they had to stay at argus to check if oliver and John were completely fine.

william's still on the couch because he saw the news about the green arrow being abducted after he crashed the party in verdant.

William gets off the couch as soon as Oliver and Felicity walk in. he runs to Oliver and hugs him. "i thought you were dead!"
"I'm okay buddy" oliver says while hugging him back.

author's note!!!
after 3000 years I'm back lmao, i hope everyone's okay even during these crazy times.
I'm sorry this chapter is even shorter than the last to but while writing it i got another idea but that idea doesn't fit this chapter so don't be surprised if i post another chapter a day or less after this chapter lol. well even though this chapter is hella short i hope you enjoyed it and if you have any tips let me know :)
I'm still not the best fanfiction writer in history...
well have a nice day/morning/evening/night ily xx amber

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