On the early years of research , scientists believed that the human's brain is fixed and the size and the power of it is the same for all.But as the years go by, researchers found that the brain isn't a fixed content of our body, it dilates and it changes according to what mind set you have.
Is the power of believing true?
Yes, it is.I remember there was a school in a foreign country, which have four courses and at the released of the cards ,if you fail a course, instead of getting a low grade, you'll have the phrase "not yet" . Their grading system is like this, because they aim to motivate those who failed, they want to imply that there's still hope for improvement, that they can still improve themselves, that they can still fight for what they desire, to make them believe and develop a growth mind set.What is the difference between a growth mind set and a fixed mind set ?
A fixed mind set is the mind set that has a solid belief , it doesn't let others opinion to intervene, In short if you have this mind set, it'll be hard for you to follow the instructions of others and your brain won't get much improvement, While the growth mind set allows you to give a room for improvement, if you have this mind set you'll have the ability to understand others and help them in their problems.
"It's not always possible to get what you desire, but it's important to believe in something before you actually do it"