The Wedding

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I put on my pearled necklace that my father always gave me for my birthday. I put on the last one he ever gave me. Because it was special to me. My sister Darla came running in. "You're not ready yet?!" she said. "I can't put the dress on by myself Darla." "Ugh" she rolled her eyes and helped me put the dress on. "Are these the pearls dad gave you?" she asked while looking at my neck. "Yes" i responded back. "Their cute..Funny how he always gave you the good stuff". "Cut it out Darla. He gave you things too, he loved us equally. Don't Forget that." she fake smiled and walked out. I took a deep breath . As i walked out of the room my mom handed me my bouquet and walked me down the aisle. Once those doors opened... I felt butterflies in my stomach all over again. I looked straight down the aisle to see the Love of my life standing there smiling back at me. He was the most handsome man i've ever seen and soon everyone would be calling me Mrs. Park . I got to the altar and the priest began speaking. "Do you Park Jimin Take Julissa Y/n To be Your lawfully wedded Wife". "I Do" he said while smiling at me. "And Do you Julissa Y/n Take Park Jimin to be your lawfully Wedded husband?" "I...Do" Everyone cheered. You want to know something? Saying "I do" was the biggest mistake of my life. Through all those years i really had no clue what kind of monster i married. Until ...Now.

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