Now The Puzzle Was Complete

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<<I'd say that the best thing to do right now is that both of you keep a low profile, at least until everything will be clarified>> said Pepper, getting up from her chair.

They were in a conference room at the compound, he and May had been driven there by Happy after the fact, for protection. The compound was distant from the city center and well protected from intrusions. Peter was listening to the conversation between him, May, Happy and Pepper without saying a word, eyes down while he thought about Ned and MJ, his best friend and his recent girlfriend. He hadn't even had time to be accustomed to the idea of having a girlfriend that his whole world had been turned upside down. Quentin Beck had dropped the puzzle of his life that now laid on the floor in pieces. Now he doubted to still have a girlfriend or a friend, a life.

He couldn't stop thinking that he'd never see them again, everything was so absurd. How much he wished that all of that thing was just a bad dream and he was about to wake up but it wasn't a dream or an illusion, it was the reality and he felt so lost.

<<Is it ok for you, Honey?>> aunt May's voice ripped him off from his thoughts, it sounded distant for a moment. He didn't have a clue of what she was referring. He felt her hand on his arm, he shook his head, trying to chase away his thoughts and focus on the situation. He looked up at the only relative he had, May was looking at him with concern and this made him feel worse, after all she suffered, his parents, uncle Ben, the Blip, she didn't deserve to suffer again, it was all his fault.

<<Yeah it's ok for me>> Peter said, looking at Pepper and then at Happy, trying to look as confident as possible. The truth was that he wasn't confident at all, he wasn't confident of nothing anymore, of how all that situation could be solved, if he would ever see his classmates again, if he could ever go back to school or in an open place. It was all a disaster and he would have wanted to scream and cry until he was exhausted but he couldn't.

<<Fine, I'll contact our legal office, we will do everything we can>> claimed the red haired woman, now standing. She came closer to Peter, then she stooped towards him.

<<I want you to know that you are at home here, Tony would have wanted it that way>> she said with a soft voice, putting a hand on his shoulder and looking directly in his eyes. Her blue eyes just like her voice were sweet and comprehensive. Tony's name hit him like a stab, if he had continued to looking at her he wouldn't be able to stop himself to start crying, so he appealed to all of his strengths to not crumble like on Titan, emotionally speaking. Peter nodded, May squeezed gently his arm, her eyes shiny.

<<Ok>> Pepper said straightening up, she took a deep breath <<Then it's decided, Happy...>>

<<I'll handle that>> said the ex bodyguard, intercepting what the Stark Industries CEO was about to say, standing up to, fixing his jacket. He had a concerning expression on his face but he tried to look confident. Everybody knew that the situation was difficult and complicated, hide it would have been unuseful.

<<Good, see you later then>> Pepper squeezed gently Peter's shoulder and smiled before heading to the door, she nodded at Happy who reciprocated. Peter followed with his gaze the woman while she exited the room, the automatic door closed behind her then he turned around.

May's gaze made him crumble, she was not worried about herself but about him and this was the worst thing, the revelation of his identity put in danger everybody was around him and she thought about him, not herself. She hugged him and he couldn't avoid to sink his face in her neck, it was all so difficult. 

Happy accompanied them to their room, Peter had a personal room at the compound and he didn't even remember. It had been long time and so many things had happened since he finished his "Internship" at Stark Industries. Aunt May had been accommodated in the room next to his, left empty from his owner, fallen in battle. More of one room were empty now. When he entered in his room he was overwhelmed by memories, of every time he had stopped to sleep at the compound to work with mister Stark, with Tony, about some project or some suit upgrade, every time when he had fallen asleep on the coach of the common area without even being aware and had found himself in his room, every time he had talked with his mentor about what was bothering him and distracting him from his work. So many memories and yet so little.

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