Chapter 6 | Go Figure

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Emily stirred when Alison moved slowly from the place next to her, careful not to wake up the sleeping girl. The blonde very delicately got up and walked over to the door, opening it gradually and deliberately - so steadily that she thought she could've surrounded the block and come back faster than the time it took her to actually open it. She took one more look over her shoulder at the group of sound asleep girls - three strung lazily on the bed, and one remaining on the floor - and then promptly made her way out of the room, closing the door as silently as she could behind her.

She breathed a tiny sigh in relief as she advanced down the hall towards the staircase. The ointment that Spencer had reminded her to put on her wound every two hours actually helped a lot, and she was barely feeling sore when she walked.

The blonde had coaxed the girls to fall asleep after they obsessed over her and asked a million more questions. She had convinced them that they, especially her, desperately needed some sleep and that everything will look better in the morning, something she well and truly lost faith in ever since that obnoxious A crept into her life like the unwanted presence that they are.

The only real reason she said that to them is that she needed some privacy. Sure, Emily's caring eyes were especially endearing tonight, but she had to be alone for the thing that she was planning.

As she descended the stairs, she thought to herself that she was actually glad the five of them spent the night together, considering Hanna's mom called earlier to inform that she wasn't returning until early in the morning, and that the bank she worked for provided her with a hotel room. Having the five girls separate on the same day the blonde told them about A was a train wreck ready to happen, but fortunately, they stopped it just in time.

Alison unlocked and opened the patio door, then stepped out, turning on her phone. She scanned the names in her contacts carefully, but her eyes unfocused a bit as she pondered the reason she was doing what she was about to do. After having multiple talks with the girls, they agreeably calmed down, somewhat accepting that A wasn't going anywhere and that they just needed to stick together in order to, well, survive this. She was proud of them for that, and suddenly felt quite relieved to not have to go through everything alone. If she really considered it, they honestly made a pretty kick-ass team, what with each of them contributing in their own way.

The blonde reminded herself that both Emily and her have yet to reveal their 'secrets'. She realized, as awful as it sounded, that she might've needed to make a physical list of secrets that she was ready to share with the girls, therefore, it perhaps was a good thing that she didn't get to go her turn when they were sitting in a circle.

That was the cause for the fact that she was standing on Hanna's porch in God knows how well into the night, with her phone clutched tightly in her hand. She had to narrow down her secrecy, even by a little, meaning, she had to drop a few secrets off her back because the extra weight was suffocating her. She had a few good ideas on where to start, though she wasn't sure why she was commencing with this particular person.

Alison huffed and dialed the number, and the line rang twice before she heard, "Hello?"

She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Hey, Ezra."

"Alison, hey, I haven't heard from you in a while," he said on the other line, and she could practically see his inquisitive eyes boring into her.

"Yeah, I've been busy," she answered shortly, not giving anything away.

He chuckled in her ear, "Mysterious as always, I see."

She almost rolled her eyes again, but the faint sound of movement coming from upstairs stopped her. She looked inside the house for a moment, but nothing seemed to be out of place, she guessed it was probably just one of the girls turning over in her sleep, so she returned to her call.

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