Chapter thirty-two

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Chapter thirty-two: Invited to a sun set

Micah ran all around the village, Toby right beside him. "Sci!" The skeleton yelled getting Sci's attention. Micah ran over to Sci catching his breath. "Who's dying?" Sci exclaimed.

"No-one's dying Sci." Micah told him, "Okay good, I was scared for a moment. Why do you sound like your in a hurry?" Sci asked titling his head to the side, "I'm looking for Killer." Micah said to Sci, "Wait I thought-"
"I know. But he's alive! If you haven't seen him I'll- there he is!" Micah exclaimed running past Sci.

"Well that happened." Fell commented. Sci hummed in agreement.

"Killer!" Micah yelled waving his arm. Not to Micah's suprise Bee was clinging Killer's arm. Micah still tried to look happy to see Killer. Killer -and unfortunately- Bee walked over to Micah.
"Er- Hi Micah. Never thought I'd see you again." Killer said, "Well I'm here, suprise! I'm just here to give you a note from Dream." Micah held the note out for Killer, "Wow!" Bee sounded half excitedly and half angry.

Killer reached out for the note but Micah pulled it away. "This is a note for you and you only." Micah held out the note again this time letting Killer have it. Killer opened the note and started to read it. Micah looked at Bee.

"And your Bee right?" Micah asked already knowing the answer. "Yes, Killer's girlfriend." Bee smiled, "Really I always thought he was Gay like his friends." Micah tried to sound happy.

"Ew! Why would he be Gay? That's disgusting!"

"I was just saying," Micah wanted nothing more but to end her life. Micah hoped that her being Killer's 'girlfriend' was a lie. He didn't know why he felt that way.

Toby started to growl at her, very loudly too.

"Sorry about him. He's just having a bad day." Micah picked up the fox. "We all have those days." Bee laughed again. "You can pet him. He does not bite, he's very friendly."
"No thanks." Bee said looking at the fox with a scared expression. Micah wished he could laugh about that.
"Your fault."

"Hm. That sounds pretty cool." Killer folded up the note. "What did it say?" Bee asked looking up at Killer. "Apparently Dream just invited me to a party." Killer looked at Micah, "Really?" Killer hummed a yes, "And only I get to go so you'll have to stay here." Killer looked a bit relieved, "Wait you can't just leave me all alone! I'm your girl!" Bee yelled.

"No your not, you just hold onto my arm like your life depends on it and blat random things about how much you hate Dream." Killer ripped his arm away from Bee's grip. Bee gasped, if Micah had positive emotions he would have burst out with laughter.

"And this too." Micah handed Killer another note. "Am I allowed to read this one?" Bee crossed her arms, "Sure."
Bee grabbed the not and started to read it out loud:

To Killer,

Tonight I really need to show you something that you'll need to know.
I'll meet you near the entrance of the castle, just stay clear of the guards. Don't want them to see you.


Bee growled a bit, you could barely hear it though. "Awesome." Killer smiled, "Me and Toby have to go," Micah told them putting Toby down. "Bye Killer!" Micah waved running away before they could say anything. "Wait he didn't say goodbye to me." Bee wined making Killer roll his pupils.


Finally, Killer was away from Bee! He left her by the market's. He could use his arm too. He was free, well. . . . . Till he has to go back to Bee.

Killer was exactly where Dream said he should be. Near the entrance of the castle, he was in the tree line near the entrance of the castle. He felt like he was being watched.


'Is he coming yet? It's almost sun down.'

Killer leaned agenst a tree getting really tired of waiting. A hand slapped around Killer's mouth, before the skeleton could react he was slammed on the ground. "Hi Killer," The attacker whispered. The attacker got off of Killer. "Get up we're running out of time," Killer looked up, of course Dream would pin him down to the ground like that. Killer got up. "Could you be slower?" Dream wined grabbing Killer's hand pulling Killer as Dream walked. Killer felt his face heat up but ignored it.

"Probably." Killer whispered. Dream pointed up towards a tower attached to the castle. "We are going up there. We better hurry or we will miss it." Dream whispered. "And how do we even get in there?" Killer asked, "The vines."
"That's a horrible idea."

"Do you have a better one?" Dream raised an 'eyebrow', they couldn't go through the castle in risk of Nightmare patrolling. "Well. . . No."
"Exactly. Come on."


Dream was already at the top, he was currently pulling Killer up. "Your a big scaredy cat you know that?" Dream said as Killer sat at the edge of the roof, panting. "Yeah, I didn't want to fall to my death. That would not be how I'd like to die." Killer told him. "We did make it in time though."

"In time for what?" Killer asked looking at Dream, Dream looked into the distance. He pointed towards the sun set. "That."

"The sun set?" Killer questioned, Dream nodded, they sat in silence for a few seconds, "So what about the sun set do you like the most?" Killer asked, "It's the border between light and dark, day and night for starters. Second, it just looks nice," Dream shrugged "I just thought it would be nice for you to see the sun set. With no particular reason." Dream swung his legs.
"That's actually really nice of you. Wow, I don't remember you being so nice to me. I guess living in a castle have really changed you." Killer laughed, "Would you want me to be nice or be cold like my usual." Killer shrugged.

"We need to get to what we actually have to do because I don't think you know anything about being at a royal party." Dream stood up, "Teach me the ways oh great prince." Killer got up, Dream flicked his skull.

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