How am I supposed to make you feel okay?

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"Davey! (Y/N)! Wake up! It's time to go get breakfast!" Jasper whispered loudly. He shook both of you awake. Davey groaned, while you turned in your bed, half asleep.

"Whaaaat" You mumbled.

"It's morning! Wake up, let's go get breakfast!" Jasper let go. You sat up, and slipped on your flannel. You rubbed your eyes, and ruffled your hair in an attempt to "fix" it. It went back to its usual state. Davey, on the other hand, pouted and started arguing with Jasper.

"Who cares about dang breakfast? Eating a pile of bugs is better than any of that load of hooey the counselors call "food.""

"Woah there Davey! Watch those dangs! Just like Mr. Campbell said, 'They're like boomerdangs! They just come back to get you in the end!"" Jasper quoted. You walked out of the camp in an attempt to ignore them. It was funny how they fought. Yet they always made up in the end.

"(Y/N)! Wait up there, duderino!" Jasper shouted as he sprinted behind you. You chuckled. Once you reached the doors, you waited for Jasper and Davey catch up. Davey walked towards the both of you slowly with his arms crossed. You pushed the door open and walked in with the 2 boys following behind you. The three of you grabbed a tray and formed a line.

"Well aren't you kids early." QM mumbled sarcastically. You three were kind of late.

Once you got your food, you walked over to your usual spots on the table. Davey sat across from you and... Jasper sat next to you? Okay, maybe it wasn't such a big deal... But he never sits by you. He always sits across from you, by Davey. You tried to shrug it off, but the thought of him possibly liking you made you zone out.

"(Y/N)? You okay there, homeslice? Your face is sorta red." Jasper waved his hand in front of you.

"h- uh y-yeah man! I'm alright." You stuttered. He probably doesn't. You guys are just friends, anyway. Plus he's probably not even gay. You picked at your food and stared at it in embarrassment.

"So have you guys heard about the new album Daft Punk might be releasing soon?" Jasper tried to spark a conversation about something he found interesting. You almost choked on your food.

"Wait-" You said with a mouth full of food. You gulped down the food, and continued your sentence. "A new album? From Daft Punk?"

"Yeah man! I can't wait until it's released." Jasper had sparkles in his eyes. You giggled at his childish expressions. Yeah, he was 11, but he acted more mature for his age, usually.

"Kids! Hurry up, the activity is ready!" Darla busted through the doors to announce. You realized you barely ate anything in the 5 minutes you were in there. Many of the other campers got up and dumped the leftovers in the big trashcan. You three got up and walked to the trash can to dump in whatever was left on your trays.

Since Jasper was ahead of you two, you grabbed Davey's arm.

"Hey, man. I kinda need you to help me with something." You watched as Jasper exited the Mess Hall.

"Sure, what is it?" Davey smirked.

"Well, you might hate me for this, but I like Jasper. Like... "Like like" him." Davey gasped.

"YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON JA-" Davey shouted in excitement. You covered his mouth before he could finish.

"Davey! Keep it on the DL!" You whispered. Davey removed your hand from his mouth

"Fine. I kinda already knew it anyway. I won't judge, though." He patted your back. "So, what do you need help with?"

"Well, I want to... Let him know? But I don't know how."

"Well, I'm not the perfect match maker, but what if I told him?" Davey suggested.

"You'd do that??" You grinned.

"Of course!" Davey smiled back.

"Thank you, Davey!" You hugged him and sprinted out the door. Davey followed after you.

---Time skip after activity---

Everybody was going to their tents and getting ready for bed. It was only 8PM though.

Davey walked in with a smile plastered on his face. He looked over at you.

"Did you tell him?" You mouthed to him. He nodded quickly.

"He wants you to meet him by the docks. Be careful though. Don't want any of those dang counselors yelling at'cha!" He nudged you and hopped on his bed.


This is kinda short for what I'd usually for one chapter, but I kinda wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger lmao oop-

But dw the next chapter will be released later

like in maybe a few hours?


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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wish you were gay// Jasper x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now