Chapter 12

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We went out the back door where an old rusty car sat. Colin threw the bags in the back seat and turned to look at me. "You coming?" He gestures for me to get into the passenger's seat, so I get in without question.

It is a releaf to get out of the rain. As I close the car door, I feel like I'm shutting the world out and when Colin gets in I feel like I've just opened up a new chapter of my life.

I must looked anxious because the next thing I know Colin puts his hand on my arm. He glances at me and asks. "Are you okay?"

I want to laugh hysterically. Of course I'm not! I want to yell. My whole life, everything I've ever known just got turned upside down and now I'm running for my life! I take a deep breath to cool my temper before I speak. He's my friend and I'm sure he knows what I've just been through. "Emotionally I'm shaken. Physically, I'm in a lot of pain."

Now that my heart rate is slowing down and the rush of adrenaline is gone the pain is coming back. I try to prop my dislocated shoulder in a tolerable position, but there are no roads out here so every little bump sends shoots of pain into my shoulder. I try to cradle my fractured elbow, but I keep jostling it when I try to settle my shoulder. My left ankle is swollen and right knee is badly bruised, but that'll heal on its own, so I don't mention them.

I can almost relax, with Colin at the wheel and the rain lightening up to a gentle padder. I suddenly feel all the sleep I have lost over the last few days catch up to me all at once. We've only been driving for a few hours. It can't be later than five pm, but I soon feel myself drift off to sleep.

Normally I'd try to stay awake, but I trust Colin and my body needs to heal. I am soon fighting to keep my eyes open. The last thing I see before I close them Is Colin. I look up at him and he glances at me.

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