Chapter 1

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"So, for your birthday, we've decided we're going to take you to a place to surprise you,"  Kolby said.

"Trust us! We spent so much time planning this, we know your gonna love it!" Faye appears, "This is going to be the best eigthteenth birthday ever!"

"Really guys, you don't have to do all this," I told them not to do anything major but they dont listen.

"I know what you're thinking. 'We never listen and blah blah' but, trust me, this will be the best party you will ever have," Faye continues, "Come on, you have to go! We have everything planned out to a T!"

"Ugh, fine! What should I wear?" I gave in. It's not like hey would have gave up anyway.

"Dress nice!" They screamed and ran off.

"Wha-" Okay, whatever! I'm goi- 

Beep Beep

Fat Head: 'Be ready in an hour!!"

I'm still going to eat first.


Knock Knock

"Dawn!!! Are you ready??" Faye scream at me through my front door.


"Come on!"

"I'm coming!"

I go downstairs with a nature bar in my mouth and open the door. 

"Oh, a nature bar!" Kolby grabs the bar from my mouth and takes a bite, "oh this one is great," He takes another bite.

I put my bookbag purse thing on and reach out to Kolbys mouth, "I'll take that back thank you. Okay so where are we going?"

"It's a surpise! Just put this on- nice outfit by the way- and get in the car," Faye instructs. She pushes me lightly while chanting 'Go'.

I get in the car and put on the blindfold like she instructed. I hear two more car doors shut and the engine start.

"Do you have everything Kolby?"

"Let me check," i hear rustling, "Yeah it's all hear... wait, the lighters not here."

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I took that out, but don't worry, I still have it on me," Faye says and I hear a ligter ignite.

"Okay give it here so I can put it in the basket," Kolby tell her and I feel him holding his hand out to retrive the lighter.

"What's the basket for?" I ask.

"It's got the stuff for the thing. Just shh you'll see," Faye puts her finger up to my mouth. I lick her finger. "EWWW!! Why'd you do that?!"

"You know what I do when someone put their finger in my face and you," I point to her, "and you," I point to Kolby, "are no exception. Especially on my birthday."

“You… you’re lucky I love you.”

I give her a big goofy smile with my head lifted and eyes squeezed close, even though she couldn’t see my eyes.

“Anyway, Kolby, text everyone who said they were coming to make sure they’re still coming.”

I hear the typing of Kolby phone and he asked, “Do you want me to tell them to come on to the fo- OW!! What was that for?!”

“You almost told where we’re going! And yes tell them to come.” Faye instructs.


I finally feel the car take off. I have no clue where we’re going but, I hope it’s fun.


“We’re here!” Faye exclaims.

“Can I take this blindfold off now?” I lift my hand to take it off without an answer. Just as i put my thumb under the blindfold, one of them pulls my arm down.

“No, you can’t take it off until I tell you to. There’s still a bit more we have to walk. Now, get out the car!” It was Faye. She is always so instructive. If she was a Queen, it would be the greatest kingdom of any land. “Kolby, come here. Give me the basket.”


“Because, I’m going to carry it while you carry Dawn.”

“Why do I have to carry her?

“Yeah, why does he have to carry me?” I interject.

“Because, you wouldn’t be able to walk to place unless we took the blindfold off of you. We can’t do that just yet- don’t ask why. We’re going to stay here until everyone arrives.”

“Why?” Kolby whines

“So we can lead them to the place. None of them have been here, remember?”

“Oh, yeah.”


“Okay!” Faye shouts, “Everyone! Everyone listen! Okay, we’re going to go to the place now since everyone is here now, and while we walk there, no one is to talk! Dawn still is waiting for the activities to be revealed to her. We need this to stay a surprise until she removes her blindfold. Now, let’s go everyone!”

“Why did you shout all of that? There’s only three other people here.” Kolby says.

“I like to shout. Hand me the basket. Dawn get on Kolby’s back.”

I feel Kolby get in front of me and squat. I put my hands on his shoulders and we somehow manage to get me on his back. He stands and we, I guess, follow Faye.

After what feels like five minutes, finally stop walking. From how it felt just being on Kolby’s back, I’m positive Faye was right when she said that I wouldn’t be able to walk here unless my blindfold was removed.

“Set her down over there, Kolby.” I’m finally on my feet again. “Dawn, sit down.” I sit. “Okay everyone ,but Dawn, help set up.”

I hear many things move around and many murmurs. ‘No, that goes there. No, this goes there.’ After many minutes I finally hear the words I’ve been waiting for.

“Okay Dawn, you can take the blindfold off!”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2014 ⏰

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