Chapter 31

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    "T-Taehyung?" I yelled out. Almost falling to my death. I quickly and carefully get down and run to the door opening it. There stands Taehyung... alive and standing right in front of me. "H-how? I-I saw you there d-dead t-there was b-b-blood everywhere. How?!" I stuttered. I was starting to breathe heavily.

"Jimin calm down! Breathe in and out slowly it's okay. I know this is shocking, but I had my reasons." I couldn't believe it still Taehyung is alive. I-I can't trust my own eyes maybe I am dreaming or my mind is playing tricks with me. I walk to the couch and sit down Taehyung following right behind me.

"I'm going to go get you a glass of water just breathe for me oka-" He stops and looks down to my arm. I soon realize and move my arm around putting both my arms in between my thighs.

"Jimin.. Show me your arm." He said sternly. I didn't move nor look at him.

"Jimin show me your arms now!" He commanded. I jump at his sudden voice and show him my arm.

"Why did you do this?! Jimin if you did this because of me or any other reason I will no joke leave right now. So you better start explaining yourself!" He yelled at me.

"Fine, leave me like everyone else did. It's my fault either way for everything." He looked at me confused.

"Okay, Jimin let's have a serious talk. I will tell you everything from the beginning. I just want you to tell me everything that you did and also telling me how or why you started to harm yourself." I nodded.

"I faked my death for many reasons. One, of course being because you were starting to like Jungkook, and don't even dare to reject that because even you yourself knows it. Second, I wanted to get away from the world so I paid some people to work with me and set everything up. When you were checking for my pulse and all I managed to make my heart stop without me actually dying in the process. No one knew about my fake death except the people I set up to help me. I know I have been gone for far to long, but then I heard you moved here to the U.S which I didn't understand why you would move to some place like this. Also I thought you would find out I didn't actually die with the "suicide note" I wrote, because who the hell gives away their death? Who writes "Suicide Note" at the top? Also I don't and wouldn't put a heart next to my name. That should have given you a little suspicion that I was alive. Either way after faking my death I ran away and of course moved here. I am guessing you also came here with Jungkook? You two are still together or a thing right?" He explained and asked. I put my head down.

"Jungkook is dead." I said bluntly.

"Oh.. I am sorry." He said. "What happened?" He asked.

"Long story short he harmed himself and died of blood lost." I said.

"I'm sorry... now tell me why you moved here and started to harm yourself." Taehyung said.

"I'll try to make it short. After you 'died' Jungkook and I got together a few days after, Yoongi and the rest were mad and upset with me but mostly Yoongi. Then my mother also got mad at me for moving on so quickly soon she started mistreating me and then said I wasn't her son anymore. Soon I found your 'suicide note' and I believed everything and got mad at Jungkook for lying to me so that lead him to self harming causing him to loose a lot of blood of course dying in the process. Then, Lucas tried killing me and on the news a few days ago they announced they found BamBam dead in the streets. So then I started cutting myself marking each one with a name and a reason why I was doing it, because I let a lot of people down and hurt a lot of them, and now I tried to kill myself because I got bullied. Then you came here and rescued me preventing me from jumping." I explained. "Why did you come here in the first place? If you left then you left because of me, so why come look for me? Or even come see me?"

"Because I love you Jimin even though I faked my death and left doesn't mean I stopped loving you. I always have Jimin."

"Well I am sorry, but I can't love you or anyone back. I have hurt way too many people now that my way of love is nothing but just a meaningless word. I did love Jungkook, and even you but now that I hurt you the first time I am scared I will fuck something up again. With Jungkook I felt so different I felt loved and free. My love has been damaged and I damaged a lot of people's hearts and love. Why don't you go with Yoongi? Yoongi loved you and still does. He has loved you for so long he should be happy that you're alive for fucks sake just marry that son of a bitch for all I care! I don't care at this point as long as someone in my life is happy and not talking shit about me and what I DID. People don't know how hard it is for me to just stay calm and take in their shit they say. People don't understand how much I want to die for the things I have done to people. People don't understand how much they damaged me in many things as well how hard I work for things how hard it is not to cry and breakdown in front of everyone! Everyone just has better opportunities than I do and they get so much more love and affection apart from me!" I cried out breaking down in front of Taehyung. He took me into his arms and hugged me while I cried in his arms. He soothed me and calmed me down. I haven't felt a hug in so long and it feels so weird hugging my ex-boyfriend and my best friend who I thought died, but didn't. He never let me go, not until I stopped crying and calmed down.

    After calming down Taehyung and I continued talking for a little more until he had to leave. "Taehyung... will you tell the rest that you're alive?" I asked looking at him in the eye. He thought for a moment.

"Possibly, but at the moment I don't think so. Take care Jiminie and stop self harming I am back please be happy again. You have my number so call or text if you need anything i'll always answer. See you around." He said flashing me a smile before closing the door. I sat there on my couch thinking about the moments that just happened. That's when I started to break down again. All the things leading up to this moment everything that happened just didn't seem real. Did Taehyung really fake his death? Does that mean Jungkook could possibly still be alive?! Could he be out there somewhere trying to forget about me because I hurt him? I should try to find him. I should not give up hope, but yet again his body did get put in a grave. There is no way he got out. He's dead and I got to face that fact.

I wish we never met because you're too hard to forget. . .

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