This is life

56 6 1

Paris's P.O.V

























I ran up to my room still screaming my head off. I Threw my backpack on the stairs. Still screaming,I tripped over something.

I fell really hard to the ground,looked over to my hand and saw that my hand had a bruise.

"Oh there it is, Thanks Aris for tripping on it!!" My little sister Issy Shouted.

Issy's real name is Isabella but,we call here Issy.

"What did I even trip on-oh nvm?" I asked while she picked up a black hot wheels car.

Since when did Issy like hot wheels? My question was answered, Issy just threw the toy out my window.

I raised my eye brow in surprise.

She walked away to the bathroom,so I stood up walked to my room and slammed the door shut.

I was looking around my room my walk in closet was full as always, that's why I have 3.

I fell on to my hammock, instead of a bed I sleep in a hammock.

I don't really know why I just do. Don't question Me!!!!!


















I woke up at 5:30 in the morning. I was covered in a soft blue blanket with yellow stripes.

I yawned, turned and fell off my hammock. You've gotta be kidding me.

I saw my phone was only a few inches away from me.

'Hey it's me come on answer!!!!' When ever I heard that I knew that Aria (Ar- ea) was calling me.

Of course I answered.


Aria- hay

Me- hey

Aria- u know u have a music video to do today?!!??

Me- Oh Shit!!!! I totally forgot!!

Aria- Hahahahahahaha!!!! OMG that's funny

Me- shut up

_______________________________________________________________Call ended

I sighed. I Looked around my room,got up and went to one of my closets.

I put on a white beanie, a black t up to half of my stomach, and a red flannel.

As a model I had to put on jewels.

1 blue ring,1 red ring,1 crystal ring.

1 heart locket,1 gold necklace,1 silver flower necklace,and 1 beaded necklace.

I looked in the mirror,perfecto!!

Just one thing was missing a touch of makeup.

I had pink lipstick on, and a blue-greenish eye shadow.

I walked over to my night stand, and picked up my phone to check the time 6:30.

I licked my lips,grabbed my phone and headed to the stairs.

Before I stepped down I went and checked if anyone was awake.

Mom and dad-Check


No one was even lifted a muscle.

Once I got to the bottom of the stairs I put on a pair of brown boots.

Tied them up,then walked to the kitchen.

All I did was grab a peach, wash, it and grab my keys.

Walking pass the living room, I slowly opened the front door then carefully closed it.

The sun was a little up but I didn't care. My jeep was outside,while clicking the unlock button I walked over to the white jeep wrangler.

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