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i ran as quickly as i could through streets and buildings with so many thoughts in my head

what if a hero finds me, a-and thinks i'm a villain or something and i get really badly hurt..! i need to find somewhere to hide qui-

i was grabbed by the collar of my shirt into a dark and ominous alleyway that was on a dark and dirty street that most people wouldn't go into from the looks of the outside and pulled into the darkness. it was as if the sun stopped working in this one alley and the only light in it was coming from a back door coming from the building.

a boy a who seemed a few years older than me, no older than 16 for i was 10 at the time. he covered my mouth as the snobby old hag ran past the alley way. i forced the teenagers bandaged hand off my mouth, gasping for air.

"w-who are you" i whimpered as i tried catching my breath. "and why'd you s-save me? when you don't even know who i am.."

"i cant tell you my real name, but you can call me dabi." i stayed quiet but meanwhile i was trying to recognize where i've seen him from. he was very tall for his assumed age, his hair was dyed black, you could tell from his roots but it was hard to tell what color his hair was originally and he had bandages all over body. you could tell just by looking at him he's seen better days. "you're lucky i saved your ass. they would've turned you into the police and you seem way too young to be in jail, let alone out here by yourself. where are your parents..?"

"th- they're gone.." i tug off his hand from the collar of my shirt and try to back away from him and the alley "a-anyways i'll be on my way, looking for someplace to go, i guess, heh.." i had to get out of there. i was young but i wasn't stupid, sooner or later someone would've found us and i have no idea who this teenager is.. he could mean trouble. i start shuffling away before i'm stopped.

"wait!" i turn around back at 'dabi' "i know you probably can't trust be but you can't go out there yet. this isn't a highly populated villain city so the police go wild after a small incident report" i quickly interrupted him.

"okay but.. where am i supposed to go in the meanwhile?"

"like i was saying," he rolls his eyes,"you can stay with me. you're too young to be out here alone and i know what it's like to be alone at young age, i've been out here for a while too.." i don't know why but my gut told me to trust him, so i accepted and he took me to his little hideaway. it was a strange alleyway room that was between buildings which was only accessible from one way, the other exit was being blocked off by old abandoned truck boxes filled with what seemed to be lumber and cheap cloth (how strange and convenient) and a locked gate that someone luckily probably lost the key to. the back of the truck was opened and what i assumed to be dabi's belongings were inside which consisted a dirty mattress, a slightly used but nice looking blanket and a few pillows. the cheap cloth was used as drapes over the truck which could be opened and closed easily. "here's where i call home." he said as he sighed "it might not look as much but once you're out here you start to appreciate this place."

"wait so i could really stay here with you..?" i questioned.

"yeah i guess. you can have the mattress too for now. i'm sure i'll find another one soon. but if you do really want to survive out here you need to promise a few things.." he seemed extremely serious. what were those things i wondered. "if you want to stay here you are gonna have to steal and work for me- for us to actually survive here so no wimping out of not doing things."

"okay i understand that. i might need some pesticide before i do anything big.. i've only been by myself for a little while and i've never really needed to do.. that.." i whimpered

"whatever.. you'll have to learn from the grounds up then if you want to stay with me." after that it was quiet. we just sat there in silence. i got up and walked into the truck and sati down on the mattress preparing to go rest and get some shut-eye.

"dabi, i'm going to go sleep now if that's alright i hevent been able to sleep really recently." dabi walked into the truck and sat next to the mattress and handed me the blanket.

"alright. i'll try and go find where you were and see if any of your stuff is still there. if anyone comes after you here just run in a direction and don't come back here, use your quirk or something" that also reminded me how terrible i was at using my quirk at the time my skills were extremely underdeveloped.

"okay i'll try my best not to get caught then if that does happen.." dabi walked out of the truck and started tidying up the space a bit before he left while i tried to fall asleep. right before dabi left dabi walked into the truck to check on me and said before he left

"i don't know what you've been through in the past but, just know from now on you're not alone and it'll be the two of us together.

-=𝓲𝓬𝔂 𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼=- (todoroki x reader x bakugō)Where stories live. Discover now