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 The sun was shinning, the grass still wet from the early frost melt. Ryan was carrying a box and forcing it into the small trunk of his tiny car, his mother trailing behind with a suitcae in her hands, tears in her eyes. 

"Ryan I can't believe you actually found a house."

Ryan shrugged as he held the suitcase his mother slowly handed him, she wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled with a big sigh. Ryan put the suitcase in the passanger seat and hugged his mother tightly.

"I just wish dad could see this." Ryan sniffled into the shoulder of his mother.

"me too, but regardless I hope you visit me, and I hope I can come over soon."

Ryan laughed and nodded, he sighed looking at his childhood house for the last time. He smiled birghtly thinking about the house, the listing made the house look so ancient and old compared to the ones nearby but everything was up to date and safe and Ryan wasn't worried about the way the outside of a house looked like.

The sun blinded him for a meer seccond before he pulled down the sun blocker on the ceiling of his car, he twisted the keys in and smiled at himself in the mirror before starting his car up.

He waved bye to his mother who waved back, eyes all red and puffy from crying.

"I love you Ryan."

"Ditto mom."

Ryan finally took off, driving down the street, he kept looking back at his broken hearted mother, crying on the sidewalk head in her hands, her brown hair flowing in the cold wind. Ryan frowned but quickly smiled again once he saw the road ahead of him.

An hour of driving later Ryan parked his car in his new driveway, he slowly stepped out of his car clutching the house keys in his hand, he checked in the windows of the house and he felt like a kid again when his friends would make him ding ditch houses down his street, but they'd check to make sure people were sitting down first so they had enough running and hiding time, Ryan smiled at his reflection in the clean window, not seeing a single soul in the house, but seeing some left over furniture like a couch he could of sworn he saw at IKEA a week ago.

Ryan shuffled to the front door and opened the door, he stepped in and it smelt nice, like a vacation home sprayed attic to basement with air freshener, he liked the scent, he checked out the ground floor, a small living room but a decently sized kitchen, a nice washroom and a very small door with a lock on it, Ryan walked past it to hear up stairs. 

He stomped up the stairs to see a long hallway, the first room was a washroom with a shower, the next room was a closet, the next door was his bedroom, no bed but that was expected a good closet and a personal washroom. Ryan smiled and walked back to the tiny door, he used every key on it and the last one was the key to open it, narrow stairs trailed down, he followed them using his phone flashlight. 

At the bottom it was dusty and small, boxes everywhere, clearly full of stuff because Ryan couldn't even move them with his feet, he opened a box to only find books, big heavy books, maybe textbooks? cookbooks? Maybe the previous owner liked to read, but why would he leave them here?

Ryan looked around and found what seemed to be like a treasure chest, he pulled it open to find it's filled to the top with plain white candles, Ryan shuddered and closed the chest and went back upstairs, locking the door behind him.

Ryan sat on the nice couch looking out the window he was previously looking into, he started to feel what it was like for the adults who would have to stop relaxing and check their front doors, which never had anyone at them since the kids would be hiding, then he frowned feeling bad for making so many old people and adults get up. He tried to erase the thought but frowned even more since he wouldn't be getting to open his door to a kid like that since people don't do that anymore.

Ryan sighed and went outside, he started un-packing, carrying his boxes and de-constructed furniture into the house, he started to build the bed frame and his dresser, placing them in his rooms and taking his mattress of the roof of his car, he removed the plastic cover and placed in into the frame. It was a small bed, a perfect fit for two people but Ryan wasn't going looking for love any time soon, he was happy where he was.

Ryan heard footsteps down stairs, when he went to check nothing was there, he got goosebumps when he heard a crash in the kitchen, he rushed down stairs panting and sweaty from building IKEA furniture, he watched as a black cat pushed his plates off the counter, Ryan wlaked to the cat who instantly rubbed against him, Ryan smiled but picked the cat up and put it back outside, closing his front door and going back to the kitchen to clean the glass.

Ryan cleaned it up but kept hearing the cat scratch his front door, he opened his door and saw the cat sitting there, it meow'd at him Ryan sighed and rolled his eyes, he took the cat inside and gave it some milk. Ryan watched it drink then go to his couch and curl up. Ryan awe'd at the tiny black cat before going back to finish his bedroom.

Ryan later went to have a snack, and watch some youtube on his laptop since he still needs to buy a TV. Ryan sat beside the little critter, who curled up on his lap as he watched some videos. Ryan quickly noticed the sun was no longer in the sky, he saw the crecent moon peaking through his window, he slowly moved the cat off his lap and stumbled up stairs, clearly tired and worn out. 

Ryan heard heavy footsteps upstairs, when he went to check it out nothing was there, then the cat snuck up behind him and ran to his bed, curled up on the edge of Ryan's bed, Ryan smiled and crawled under his covers, smiling at himself for being an adult and having his own house.

Ryan closed his eyes but the shot open as soon as he heard a loud boom coming from downstairs, Ryan took his flash light and walked down there.

"Whoever you are, I've already called the cops."

Ryan sees the basement door is left opened a little, he shivers at the cold air coming from it. Ryan closes the door and locks it not wanting to see whats down there. Ryan freaks out and runs back to his bedroom where the cat is no longer, Ryan closed his bedroom door and watched more videos to ease the fear and anxiety he was feeling.

Soon enough he passed out.

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