Ghostly Spirit

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 Luke gets off of his knees, he dusted off his pants and watched the dry dirt fly off, he stares at the fresh dirt in front of him, he throws little pellets over it, so grass will grow there faster. He walks over the the garden and picks a few flowers before putting them on top of the dirt patch, along side a little rock. He sat down criss-cross on the grass across from it, staring down at the bugs and ants crawling around the dirt patch. He knew they'd help with decomposition but it felt wrong. 

"You'll thank me soon Ryan." Luke said before taking a deep breath and sighing heavily. He stood up once more and walked into the house but not before glancing back at the grave a few more times. He entered the house and sat down in the kitchen and held his head in his hands and stared at the tile flooring. Making out pictures in the weird marble pattern, one spot looked like a dog. Kind of... speaking of dog Luke whistled and a tiny puppy came running over to him, Luke smiled and put dog food in the tray and filled his water dish up, he walked over the carpet and pulled it out of the way to reveal a very faded pentagram painted on the floor. 

"Ryan I know you can't hear me, but I like to think you can," Luke sighed as he sat in the middle and traced the lines with his cold fingers. "Trust me Ryan, I know you can't hear me unless you're cursed. You weren't...." Luke's fingers balled into a fist and he dug his nails into his palms and stared out the window. "You were an angel in disguise and I ruined it didn't I? I c-can fix it." Luke said as he stood up after a searing pain ripped though his hands and he felt a little pool of blood cover his palms. He opened the basement door and opened the freezer, he turned around after the bitter cold attacked his face. 

"Ry..." he said breathlessly, he stared at the wooden desk that was clean but of course, the blood stained a little. He forced his gaze back to the freezer and pulled out the bag with Ryan's heart in it, he grabbed the previously ripped out page from the book and ran back upstairs before tears had a chance to run down his face. He placed it in his lap as he sat down in the center of the pentagram again, he lit the candles one by one and shut his eyes tight trying to ignore the smell the organ in his lap was giving off. He took the thin paper in his hands and took a deep breath before opening his eyes once more. 

"Tiny?" Luke said when his eyes shot open again, the dog was sitting in front of him staring at the heart in his lap. Luke furrowed his brows and used his foot to push the dog out of the circle and pentagram, Tiny laid down staring at Luke from outside the area. Luke sighed and placed the heart on the floor and ignored the puddle of blood and tissue that was forming under it. Luke got a chill up his spine but read the paper out loud anyways, after the candles went out he grabbed the heart and rushed to the kitchen, he threw the heart into the sink and grabbed a knife, he dug around in it before pulling out a small red thing and placing it into a little charm bottle and closed the lid of the bottle. 

"Ryan?" Luke said, he was thrown across the floor as the house shook like an earthquake was happening, Luke held onto the walls and shut his eyes and held his breath. He heard a lamp or something glass break in the other room, he shot up and ran over to the room he saw Ryan standing there, he looked scared about the broken glass. 

"Ry?" Luke asked stepping closer, Ryan shot his arms up and gritted his teeth.

"Stop! I broke a vase or something, there is glass on the floor! Be careful! I'll clean it up." Ryan bent down on his knees and tried to pick up a piece but it phased through his fingers, He looked up at Luke. He cocked an eyebrow up and stood up slowly. He walked over to the wall and touched it; well his hand went right through the wall. He backed up and looked at Luke once again and then scanned the house before jumping at the sudden bark of Tiny, the dog raced over to him minding the glass and started jumping up at Ryan who was trying to back away. Luke didn't know what to say he just watched what was happening. 

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