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 Ryan eventually left his room, he needed to clean himself, his room and not hide anymore. He'd being doing the weeks and weeks worth of dishes when he heard laughter surround him, he tried to ignore it but there was always something in his head telling him he could die at any moment, but the demon let him live. Ryan tried to act cool in his own house, sure he could hear and see Luke around the house but sometimes he was hiding himself, just to scare Ryan.

Ryan was surfing the web on his couch when he heard a noise from the kitchen, everything in his body told him to stay where he was seated, but this time it didn't feel like something Luke was doing, he dragged his feet on the floor and shuffled to the kitchen, the cat was no where to be seen or heard. Ryan picked up a frying pan and held it tightly and roamed the rather small kitchen.

A jolt of pain ran through his body, his foot felt cold. Ryan stepped back to see blood where he was standing and glass everywhere, Ryan finalyl felt a cold breeze, the window had been shattered and the dark atmosphere was starting to creep up on him, he heard more noise and his arm went weak, was this really happening? Ryan's mind was racing with questions when he picked up his feet to walk back to the couch but the jolts of pain in his bleeding foot was too much to bare he winced in pain and put the frying pan down to grab his foot.

"ouch, shit.... fuck me." Ryan checked the bottom of his foot, glass was one hundred percent stuck in his bleeding foot, he limped back to the couch and sat down and grabbed a tissue and pulled a shard out of his foot, he bit his tongue so he wouldn't cry out in pain, but it hurt like nothing ever has before.

He wiped down his bleeding foot and looked at the several glass pieces that were stuck in his foot, the pain was still there but not as obvious now, he sighed and picked up his phone when his body stiffened and he dropped his phone, he couldn't breathe anymore. He forced his hands to reach to his own neck, he tried to pull what felt like rope away from his neck but it was awfully tough, he heard a grunt behind him and turned his head slightly.

There stood a man in all black clothing strangling Ryan with a rope, he clawed at the rope but it wasn't weak, it wasn't going to cut easily, Ryan's elbow jolted back and hit the man, he let out a groan and Ryan felt the rope release a little, he quickly picked up his phone and slid the screen so he could use the emergency call button, his fingers felt numb as he tried to tap the screen when a sudden pain hit the back of his head. The rope dropped to the ground and Ryan felt something cold hit the front of his throat.

"Drop the fucking phone." Ryan did what he asked and dropped the phone back on the table, Ryan felt sweat roll down his forehead, he didn't want to panic but he felt his flight response kicking in, he frowned knowing he had no fight. The man pressed the sharp object harder against Ryan's throat.

"Kick it away from you, NOW!" Ryan did what he asked quickly, he phone was now out of his reach, or the man in hus house. Ryan swallowed his fear like he's done many times before and shuffled in his seat.

"What do you want!? Money? I have some, if you want like electonics, I have some I can show you!" The man hissed and pressed the knife harder up to Ryan's throat, he felt blood trickle down his shirt.

"Quiet, I don't need your help." Ryan bit his tongue, worrying that if he spoke anymore he'd be killed, he shut his eyes tight waiting for the blade to go right through his skin and muscles like sand. His eyes shot open when he heard a small 'mew'

"Kitty?" Ryan said as he looked down, the cat was holding his phone in it's mouth, she meow'd at Ryan before dropping it at his feet, He smiled and went to pick it up but the man yelled at Ryan to stop moving, the cat hissed and walked off.

"You have a cat?" The man asked in a angry tone, Ryan nodded, he looked around the room but he saw nobody, Ryan held his breath before asking another question which was burning on the tip of his tongue.

Unlikely Roommate {OhmToonz}Where stories live. Discover now