Warlocks and Witches

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 Ryan wasn't sure if it was normal to sleep all day, he told Joe he wasn't into him at all, which was a lie but it was for hisown good. He'd mope around the house and ignore whatever Luke was trying to say or get him to do, Ryan would cuddle his puppy and watch movies and shows with red puffy eyes. 

"Luke... is that you?" Ryan said, sitting up on the couch, his heavy blanket shifted and slipped off of him when he actually stood up on the floor, he brushed himself off and stretched before almost having a heart attack when a big thud happened in the kitchen. Ryan rushed over to the room and saw Luke standing there with a fire hydrant at his feet. 

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Luke laughed and picked it up and put it back down carefully this time, making sure it was standing properly. Ryan walked over to it and touched it, it was definantly real.

"Where in the fucking world did you get a fire hydrant!?" Ryan asked, his eyes hurt from the sun light peering into the kitchen, Luke noticed the sunken eyes and the dreadful looking frown that came with them, he saw how pale Ryan had turned from being hidden in darkness for weeks. Luke smiled brightly tho and snapped away, Ryan sighed and went to go sit on the couch again until Luke snapped back dropping a road sign on the ground, when the metal hit the tile it made Ryan jump and turn around. 

"From Omega Street." Luke said kicking the sign, the white paint said Omega St. so Luke wasn't lying. Ryan's frown flipped and he smiled brightly, for the first time in weeks. Luke smiled back and watched as Ryan picked up the metal sign and laughed happily.

"I didn't know you could do that!" Ryan said laughing in between, he put the sign down and touched the fire hydrant again, he tried to pick it up but it was too heavy for him, they both laughed. 

"There's a lot you don't know about me Ryan." Luke said, snapping away again and soon coming back with a cake in his hands, the top of the white frosted cake said Happy Birthda. Luke had stolen it before they were able to finish writting anything else, Ryan giggled and took the cake from the demon's hands and placed it on the table beside him. Ryan was surely impressed with the powers Luke was hiding from him, he stared at the demon and softly smiled, dreaming of what he might've looked like before he was twisted into a demon.

"I made another charm, but this time... I can't possess anyone." Luke said with a cocky smile, Ryan rolled his eyes and put his hand out, Luke placed a little red rock in his hand, it was small; like a pebble it was shiny though, very reflective. Ryan inspected it and put it in his pocket. He then looked back up at Luke confused.

"Why are you giving me another charm?" Ryan asked, running his finger through the frosting on the cake and licking the buttercream off of his finger eventually, Luke licked his lips at the sight but held back from doing anything, he looked at Ryan and smirked.

"I want to come shopping with you, I wanna see what the world looks like now." He put on a fake smile, hopeful that Ryan would let him come, like a child asking for something at the store it realyl wanted, Ryan rolled his eyes and licked more frosting off of his finger. 

"You literally just went out, can't you just do that again?" Luke frowned and crossed his arms, he huffed out the air he didn't even know he was holding, Ryan giggled a little and stared at the frustrated demon.

"No, I can quickly grab things, I can't just stay there and walk around like a human Ryan, I'm not a human... I'm sure you've noticed." Ryan laughed and scooped up some frosting with his opposite hand and walked over to Luke, he looked up and softly smiled before sitcking his frosting covered finger in the demon's mouth, Luke smirked and sucked aggressively, licking the frosting completely off of Ryan's finger, Ryan's face flushed to red as he pulled his finger out of the demon's mouth.

"F-fine, you can uhh... you can come." Ryan said quickly turning around so Luke didn't see his flustered face, Luke chuckled and wrapped his hands around Ryan's waist and pulled him closer to his body, Ryan squeaked out a noise when he was suddenly jerked back into Luke's body. Luke bent forward and rested his chin on Ryan's shoulder, they both stood there silent until Luke dug his claws into Ryan's sides which cause the shorter male to jump and escape the grasp.

"Let's g-get going." Ryan said trying to act stern, he walked out of the kitchen and got his shoes on and coat, he made sure the charm was in his pocket and he got into his car and drove off to the store.

Ryan stood there, trying to figure out which foods and snacks he wanted, he stared at the shelves for a long time, Luke hovered around him picking things up and drooping them randomly so Ryan would have to bend over and pick them up, of course nobody could see Luke's fiendish behaviour or him but Ryan could. Ryan heard something shaking by his ear, he turned his head and saw a can of spray paint being shaken right by his ear, he grabbed it and yanked it out of Luke's hand.

"Stop it! I'm never bringing you again! People are gonna think I'm being haunted with things floating around me!" Ryan said, putting the paint can on some random shelf, he grabbed random snacks and just shoved them int his cart, just wanting to get home now. uke laughed and grabbed the can and snapped away. Ryan waited in line, he was getting his superstore card out and his cash ready, the man scanned his items. 

"Do you have a superstore card?" He smiled when Ryan handed it over, Ryan  knew he looked like trash, he probably smelt like it too, but he needed food to survive. He could shower whenever he wanted. Luke snapped back and picked up some of the full bags and carried them, people stared at the floating bags. Ryan turned his head when he heard a young woman scream, the bag fell to the ground and everyone stared.

"Y-you don't have to pay anymore, it's on the house... Sorry.." The cashier said backing away from Ryan, who just rolled his eyes and picked everything up and carried it out to his car. He packed everything into the back seats not wanting to open the trunk, he got into his car and stared at the demon in the passanger seat, who was trying not to laugh.

"Really?" Ryan said crossing his arms. Luke smiled innocently.

"Everyone saw that, I'll be lucky if someone doesn't follow me home and figure out why shit was floating around me! Luke, I don't want people-" Ryan's words were cut short by a honk, he stuck his head out of his parked car and saw a man wave at him before driving off, Luke snickered as Ryan pulled out of the parking spot and started to drive home.

"I'm sorry, I just.. I miss being human, I miss being normal... I've missed so much being stuck in that house scaring owners after owners." Luke said, trying to sound sad and holding back laughter at the same time, Ryan sighed but jumped when he got another honk, he looked at the truck behind him and the driver smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Ryan drove off and tried to keep his composure when he got honked at again. The man pulled up in the lane beside him when they were stopped at a red light and rolled down his window, so Ryan did the same.

"Be proud about it son! I love women too, I love all their parts, a girl can get me anytime with thick thighs, how bout' you?" Ryan stared at the man in shock, he was confused so he rolled up his window and drove off quickly, Luke holding in laughter the whole time. Ryan got honked at several more times before finally getting home, he sighed heavily and rested his head on his steerling wheel. 

"What in the world." Ryan said parking his car and grabbing the bags of food out of the back seat. Luke laughed and threw the spray paint can he was holding on the lawn, trying to hide the evidence. Ryan locked his car and walked inside confused, Luke stayed outside and smiled at the white painted letters on his bumper.

Honk if you like women!

Luke laughed and snapped himself back inside the house.

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