"I, uhm. It's unusual to see you here, how'd you get my address?"
"Technically, this isn't /your/ house, dollface. Now, it's common manners to let a guest in."
Wonho had rudely pushed his way past you, shutting the door behind. Not once did his gaze leave you, instead you were shrinking under the scrutiny of his piercing gaze.
"Uhm... is there something you need?" You managed to speak out, and just wanted to tell him how terribly rude it was that he was eyeing you down.
"Y/N! Who is it— Wonho? Why the hell are you here?" Baekhyun had appeared from the living room, his eyes narrowing at this newcomer.
Wonho merely smirked, but he knew he had to play nice. He had his foot in the enemy's territory and could get himself killed if he didn't play his pieces smartly. Little do they know that it was him who kidnapped one of their own members, Lay.
"Ah, I was passing by here. Lay said he needed my help with homework and told me to stop by. Is he home?" Nicely played, Wonho.
Baekhyun however still hadn't caught on, yet he was on edge and defensive that Lay was mentioned. "No, he's uh— currently outside doing groceries."
How absolutely funny that the two were blindly lying to each other.
"That's unfortunate. I'll wait then?" Wonho flashed you the most bright smile one could, his eyes forming crescent as he did so and made his way toward the couch, plopping down on it.
Baekhyun and you were left dumbfounded at his sudden arrival and didn't know what to do.
Baekhyun turned to you, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll go inform Suho about this.. stay right here and if anything happens, call us immediately."
And with that, the boy had left down to the basement.
Wonho's POV :
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"Precisely any minute now, Byun Baekhyun will take his leave to his leader."
And as if his thoughts were correctly planned, Baekhyun had left the vicinity. Time to progress with the plan.~
"Y/N! I-I need to use the restroom. . ."
"Uhm.." Y/N flashed me a suspiciously worried look, as if unsure to process.
"My stomach. . I knew I shouldn't have eaten all of those peppers. P-Please-!" Pleading with a meek voice and worried gaze, she eventually nodded and showed me to the bathroom.
Heading to the bathroom — or the direction of the bathroom, I checked behind me to see if she were following. She was fixated right by the main door, seems fear was instilled within her to stay far from me as possible.
"Now. . Where's that basement? Ah. Bingo~"
An unusually placed picture frame, this had to be it. Lay had eventually spilled every detail in their house as to where their little "hideout" was, having undergone all that intense torturing.
Unpinning the picture frame, there was a large bolted door behind it. Though it was unlocked.
I shoved my hand into my pocket and pulled out the shiny item, a devilish smirk spread across my face at the mere sight. Slid open the door only an inch, I rolled the metal object in.
"It should go off soon~ Plan 2 complete. Onto the final part."
Adjusting my hair, I headed back towards the living room. Switching the devious smirk for the once innocent smile, I spotted Y/N wandering about with her back towards me.
"Princess~" My hand slipping into my other pocket, I had pulled out a white handkerchief that had been pre-doused with chloroform. "Shh, this will be done in an instant."
"Huh-?" The second she had turned around, her pretty [eye/color] hues widened with pure surprise, and horror. It only seemed to rile up the inner predator within. "Stay fuckin' away, Wonho. Baekhyun, Baek—!!"
With a roll of hues and in a swift movement, I had closed the distance between us. My hand firmly locked around her arms to keep them in place and the cloth pressed onto her features, the drug would only take a few minutes to effect until she'd fall limp into my arms.
"Sweet dreams, princess. We've got a bumpy ride ahead of us~"
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[ TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE NIGHT?? WOOOO. Sorry to keep y'all waiting though, I'm really sorry-! That's why have two, and tell me your thoughts. 👀👀