Chapter 6

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Drew this recently. What do you think?
I ligit cryed once I drew Dabi and Todoroki. So basically once I finished. When I looked at it I couldn't help but cry.

Anyways la story for you lovely people!


Once I woke up and saw the sun shining brightly, unlike my soul right now.... Anyway I got up and then had a shower, and then dried my hair and got dressed. I went to the kitchen and then looked at everyone that was in the kitchen. I had my breakfast and then got ready for school.

After I got ready for school it felt like a tidal wave and a tsunami hit me all at once. My body really does hurt. I wish the pain would just go away. Either that or I wish I could escape from him. For good.

I made my way to the school with the necklace in my hands now. And I put on. I smiled as I noticed that the person that gave me the necklace wasn't far away. I walked faster to catch up with her. Once I did I saw that she was deep in thought. So I decided to leave it for now.

"Hiya Sho, how are you?" She asked me.

"You done thinking?" I asked her.

She nodded her head with a smile on her face. I gave a small smile at her. "Ok, I'm good. What was you thinking about?" I asked her.

"Oh, nothing!" She said really fast like.

I looked at her with suspicious eyes, and then turned away. We both continued to walk forward but something was wrong. She is never like this, she would always tell me what's on her mind. No matter what it is.

Why not this time?

I looked at her and then sighed. Once we got to the school and walked to the class we sat down and then I turned my eyes towards her. Only my eyes not my head. Not for her to notice me.

I saw that she was deep in thought again, what does she have on her mind so much?

As soon as Midoriya came in her eyes widened as he stepped in the room with a smile on his face. I clenched my fist together and my teeth. Why am I so angry?

Once the class started I couldn't get those two out of my head. Why him? Izuku Midoriya! Really? I saw her smiling at Katsuki Bakugou as well. That hot headed bas....person.

Why!? Why not me? Why doesn't she see me?

I couldn't focus on the lesson today I could get Y/N out of my mind. Yeah she gave me the necklace but....does she only see me as a friend?

I've known her for years, and I have developed feelings for her. But.... Have she for me?

Life is confusing.

And I don't understand why she doesn't see me as boyfriend material. Ahhhh! I hate this!!

~~Time skip~~

I was walking home alone and I noticed something it was a purple blob. Wait....he has eyes. Are blobs suposed to have eyes? I really don't know but this one does.

"Shoto Todoroki come with us." The blob said.

Oh it can speak too....what a cleaver blob!

I raised an eyebrow at it and then backed away. I bumped into something and then looked at what it was. It was a male with light blue hair and he had a hand? On his body. He touched my shoulder but one finger was up in the air. "please come with us. We just need to talk." He told me.

I looked at him and then sighed, I nodded my head and then started to walk into the blur, or blob. Or whatever. Once I got to the bar? I sat down and then looked at all of them. "Well?" I asked them.

"We want you to be a villain." They told me.


I looked at them and then raised an eyebrow. "Tell me. What's the difference between the heros and villains? One is actually aloud to cause destruction all in the name of peace. While when we the "villains" do the same thing we get arrested." I heard the blue haired male say. "I'm Shigaraki by the way." He said to me.

"And I'm Kurogiri." The warp guy said to me.

Oh, so that his quirk! I get it now. I feel bad for calling him a blob. But at least he didn't hear since I'm talking to my self in my own mind.


They had a good point, about the villains and heros. I didn't really think about that before. My father kept on and on about heros and he never really told me about villains except from that they are evil to the world.

"So what do you say?" They asked me.

I looked at them. And then thought about it for sometime. This actually could be my only opportunity to escape my old man. " long as I can get one more hero to join us." I told them.

"Who's that?" (Kurogiri)

"Her name is Y/N L/N." (Me)

"And she's?" (Shigaraki)

"The *blushes* girl I like." (Me)

They both look at me and then smile. "Aw cute~" Shigaraki teased me.

He doesn't even seem like that the type that would tease the other person. But whatever.

Anyway I nodded my head and then we all started to make a plan on where we can get Y/N and attack the UA. I didn't mind doing that as long as Y/N doesn't get hurt then I don't care what happens to the other in that class. Or in that stupid school. It could burn for all I care.

Oh and I almost forgot to tell you all something.

My name is Shoto Todoroki, and this is the story of how I became the most dangerous villain ever.

And boom!

Shoto Todoroki is now a villain. And I think he's still a cinnamon roll. Really Shoto Todoroki is a cinnamon roll no matter what he does.


Hope you liked it.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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