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I am sorry. I have been soooooo busy with college crap. I'm not even out of high school yet and I'm dealing with the stuff. ugh. Do you ever wish you were just a little kid again, so that you didn't need to deal with all this stress?????? I did. And still do. Sigh. Anyway, Here is a new chapt for all those who are surprisingly reading this. Seriously, I'm not that great of a writer. When I saw how many reads I got on the last book alone, I almost fainted. Thank you. Yeah, that was random. Ah well, DISCLAIMER!!

Edward:She does not own New Moon.

Zorlia: Dude, I thought you left town.

Sam: She doesn't own Supernatural either.

Zorlia: You haven't even arrived yet! Why are you in the studio??

Aisling: She does own me and my mother.

Zorlia: Your not at your mark......ugh, nevermind. you never listen anyway......


It was 9:50 at night. I was currently staring at my keychain. I was sitting on my bed, staring at the keychain that only had four keys on it. My house key. My car key. Dean's car key (he has no idea I copied his.). The key to my music box. I sat in the same position as last night only instead of a box, there was a keychain.

9:55 pm

Why did the Cullens leave like that? It seems too stupid.

9:56 pm

Why was Bella there, or more importantly, why wasn't Edward there?

9:57 pm

Not only that, it all seemed to happen after Bella's birthday. Seriously, just the day after, What was going on?

9:58 pm

Was it all some plan? Something happened supernatural wise and they needed to go? But, why not bring Bella like last time? Or at least leave her in a state that isn't like it is now?

9:59 pm

I got up, the key already in position to open my music box. I closed it before listening to the end of the song.

I don't think I've done that since mom's died.

I took the other key and unlocked the chest, and found the box resting on top of the three bags of salt I had stashed there. I gingerly picked the box up and closed the trunk. I walked back over to the bed and sat in the same way as before.


What was it?


Do I really want to know?


Why didn't Edward tell me he was leaving?


Why did he leave Bella in the woods?


Why did Alice give me this?


Why wait until ten?


What did she want to leave me?


Why even bother, if not going to tell me you were leaving in the first place?


What was going on?


I distinctly heard some chime go off in my head, and I opened the package. Inside was a letter, and some keys. I picked the keys out of the box and held them in my hand, and carefully took out the letter.


I know that you're wondering what's going on with our leaving Forks. Well, yesterday we had a problem. Bella got a paper cut and Jasper lost control. We stopped him, and Bella was okay, but it troubled Edward. He says it's safer for Bella that we leave. I don't like it, but he does have a point. Besides, normally around this time we move to another town anyway. You humans don't stay young forever like us, people will question why Carisle and Esme don't have grey hair, and other things. The key is to our now empty house. You can go there anytime for anything. I'm sorry I can't say goodbye to you face to face. But, if I did say goodbye you would probably make a big scene. Once again I'm sorry. Don't get into too much trouble while we're gone!


I swallowed. I blinked.

And I crumpled up the letter and threw it across the room.

Glaring at the paper I took deep breaths. Those idiots. How is this the right thing to do? It obviously put Bella in danger! I mean, what if a bear came and attacked her while in the forest half dead? (Okay, she was more like a zombie, but whatever.) I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. No use losing my head over this. They're probably in another state by now, and they must of ditched their old phones and got new ones with new numbers. So, great. I can't scream at them like I want. Stupid veggie vamps. And I thought Carisle had a PHD. Heh, a PHD in being a complete IDIOT!

Alright, now that my mental rant is over, I attach the key to my keychain. All this suspense for a goodbye letter. I should go punch whatever person who decided to make this happen.

Yeah, punching Fate right in the face sounds like fun.

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