Coming Soon.‼️

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I Can FINALLY Rest now knowing that the new chapter is almost finished (adding a few more touches and fixing misspelled) and I'm working on a video intro (might do a outro, I really don't know yet about that one. I'll let y'all know.)

I've been really busy getting ready for school this year and I'm working on trying to graduate early and starting my own business which I am Literally Praying For. I'm so sorry if the story kinda sucks from lack of details and unconnected storylines (from all books)

I will try to better my writing skills as I go on and make them a tad bit better.

Ps. Another reason I've been M.I.A is because of all these bomb stories I've been finding and it's super good. I'm sorry😂😂🤷🏽‍♀️

Plus When Im Not On Here Im Out Seeing My Grandma Who's Currently Not Feeling Well, She's In A Nursing Home Until Her Body Gets Alot Better And Im Also Praying For That Too Because I Do NOT like seeing her in a bad condition.

Please Pray For My Family.💜🙏🏾
We Really Need It.

I Will Be Back And This Time I Will Try To Be Steady With It And Persistent.

I Really Fell In Love With This Story When I Came Up With It In Summer '17
But I Went Against It And Decided To Publish "Young Love" First Which I Also Love. (I Will Be Bringing More Chapters For That Too Maybe In September.) And Then I Decided To Not Publish This Story At All Because I Knew That I Wouldn't Be Able To Write The Songs And Finish Them As Fast As I Imagined It. But As I Go On I Will Take My Time On It And Write Them And Try To Make Them Sound Good.

Oh Yeah....The Details...I Will Be Showing  Houses, Rooms, Clothes, Shoes, Jewelry (If I can find some good stuff from 2012😂😂) And I Love To Cook So Im Making My Characters Cook Some Bomb Ass Meals (Pictures Included Of Courseeee.) I Will Try To insert gifs that fits the year the book is in And Special Appearances Will Be Coming In A Few Chapters (Reminder: It's Almost Ashunti & Ashley's Birthday. They Are Both Summer Born Babies. Including The Twins Mother "Typhannie".)

So Yes Guys, I Will Be Back Shortly.
Again I Am Fixing Errors And Working On The Intro To Put In For Each Chapter I Make From Now On. ( If You See A Chapter After This One That Will Be Out That Doesn't Have A Intro, You Will See A Second Update And That Will Be Because Of Fixings And Me Uploading The Intro ,And Maybe An Outro Too.)

( And I Will Try To Relax And Give My All Into My Stories.)

Hope You All Have A Nice Day!🙏🏾🙏🏾


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