Camp Half-Blood

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You awaken to the morning sun, groaning you go to roll over. Only for you to fall out of bed and hurt yourself. "Owwww..." you rub your sore head before getting up. Looking around your room you sigh, you never had much. No new video game consoles, no phones, and no computers. You always ask your mother for such things but she always ends up getting you books, toys, or art supplies.

Such items got you into the habit of reading and drawing, but you only draw when stressed or done with school work, which is just doodles? No matter.

Pushing yourself up you toss your blanket onto your bed, grabbing your glasses you put them on. "Much better," you state to no one.

"Y/n! Come down!" Your mother calls, snatching your attention before you get caught up with something else.

You run down the stairs, ecstatic from the smell of homemade pancakes and bacon. "Morning mom!"

"Jeez, for a teenager you sure are filled with energy." She jokes, getting a chuckle from you. Out of nowhere her tone turns serious, "Y/n, I want you to pack some stuff." Her eyes seem distant and sad.

"Well, why would I need to pack?" You ask, now distracted by your mother's tone.

"You're going to a summer camp." She can't help but have her voice crack a little from some source of sadness.

"Okay, and what would I need to pack?" You're convinced that she won't be able to feed both of you for the summer. You were never off that well in the money department.

"Any books you want, a couple of changes of clothes, your glasses cleaners, and your art supplies in case you get stressed out." She states, forcing a small smile.

"Okay." You nod hesitantly before eating breakfast quietly.

"Well you better get on it, we need to be there by two o'clock." Your mother picks up your plate and cup before going to wash them.

You head upstairs, grabbing a backpack and putting the few books you own in it, clothes, drawing pencils and pad, and the spray bottle to clean your glasses. With a sigh, you bring down the suitcase and look at your mother, who ushers you into the car.

Your mother kept checking the rearview mirror as if checking if you're being followed, and you're nervous as well since you know next to nothing of this summer camp.

She pulls over where it looks like there was a car crash, "Why did you stop here?" You ask.

She points to a large tree, "Go past that tree and head straight to the biggest building, don't let anyone stop you. Ask for Chiron."

You found this very suspicious but since she's your mother you do as she says, walking down the hill and towards a four-story building. People stare at you, making you quicken your pace so they will go back to whatever they're doing, which also causes you to not notice the people made of wood or the teen boys with the bottom half of a goat.

Walking up the porch to your right are four people, but only one snatches your attention the longest, the female around your age. She has a deep tan, hone-blonde hair and intense gray eyes.

You turn away from her, " you know where a Mr. Chiron is?" You ask.

"Hmm?" The middle-aged man in a wheelchair looks up at you, "And who might you be?"

"Oh! My mother said she contacted-" He interrupts you.

"Ah, Y/n. Your mother did contact us, now I must ask this. Do you know anything about your father?" He asks.

"No..." You were told nothing about him, and every time you asked anything, even his name, your mom changed the subject until you just stopped asking. "Why do you ask?"

He looks taken back by your question, "So your mother told you nothing about this camp." You shake your head, he sighs, "Well what do you know of Greek mythology?"

"It's one of my favorite mythologies, my favorite story is when Dionysus turned all except one pirate into dolphins. Ooh, I also like the-" You cut yourself off, "Sorry for rambling." You chuckle with embarrassment as your face turns a light shade of pink.

The one, who you didn't make much notice of until now turns to you and smiles. "That was a fun time." He says as if he was the god Dionysios.

You look extremely confused at him, "You say that like you were the one who turned them into dolphins."

"I am." The pudgy man now looks uninterested with you.

The girl finally speaks up, "Chiron, didn't you say earlier that you were going to show him around?"

"Ah, yes I did say that." He gets up, but the thing is that his bottom half isn't human. He's a centaur.

You step back, "You're the Chiron, and you..." You turn to the man, "Are Dionysios."

"Took you long enough." He drops his cards.

"Follow me, Y/n." Chiron walks down the porch and leads you around, "That's the volleyball pit, those are the cabins, that's where we eat, and those are the restrooms." He seems rushed as if he's waiting for something. "You'll stay in cabin eleven."

"Before you go I have a question." You look slightly up at him to make eye contact. Not letting him confirm or deny you to ask the question you blurt it out, "The road next to the big tree, a boy, Percy Jackson, went missing there along with his mother. I-Is he here?"

Chiron nods before trotting off.

With a sigh, you look at the name above the cabin. Which happens to be in greek, yet you can make out what it says perfectly, 'Hermes'.

You carry your small suitcase inside and come face to face with a guy who looks like your typical surfer dude. "Um...hi?"

"Hey, I'm Luke. And welcome to Camp Half-Blood." He sticks out his hand, and once you grab it he shakes your arm roughly.

"I'm Y/N," you give him a small smile as he shows you to an area next to the far corner. "Thanks."

"No problem, Y/n." Luke pats your back.

A/N: That's my first chapter done, leave any and all feedback. So I'll try to upload 800-1000 word chapters once a month, and maybe I'll upload a little more frequently. Nonetheless, have a great day/night!

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