Quest Part 3

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No One's POV

You and the trio have been on the Amtrak train for about two days. Despite not being attacked once you were constantly on edge, remembering how out in the open Medusa was, leading you to be paranoid on if there were any other monsters hiding in plain sight.

The reward money you were given was just barely enough to get you four to Denver. Because of the lack of money you four couldn't afford bed seats, so you made do with what you had.


You seemingly awake only to find yourself floating in the abyss. "What are you doing here, mortal?" A voice picked up behind you; quickly turning you see a tall figure covered in a dark cloak, wielding a scythe.

You try to take a step back, "I-I can't be dead!" Your mind races for any possible way you could've died.

"You mortals all have the same reaction, yet you aren't dead...but that brings the question. How did you get here?" The figure asks again.

"I'm not a mortal, well not completely." You begin to explain, but before you could continue he speaks up.

"Ah, a Demi-god." Their demeanor seems to shift, "Who is thine godly parent?"

"I wish I knew who my father was...but so far I haven't even gotten a slight sign. The only clue I have is my birthplace; L.A."

The figure pulls back their hood slightly, "Ah, it seems fate has brought us together..." he kneels and hands you a coin with a skull carved on it. "When you meet Hades show this to him, this'll give you his trust."

"Thank you."

With a jolt you awaken, "Y/n, are you okay? You were talking in your sleep." Annabeth looks at you.

"I dreamt of Thanatos, he gave me a skull coin..." you reach into your pocket where you slipped the coin to find it there. "He told me to show this to Hades and he'll give us his trust."

"We have a slimmer of hope then." Percy smiles happily, and for the first time he relaxes on the train.

Annabeth doesn't show any happiness, her head slightly bows. "Y/n, we can't trust that Hades didn't set Thanatos up for that. Besides even if he didn't I doubt Hades will give us he trust. The Kindly Ones weren't aggressive this time-"

"This time?" Percy interrupts, Annabeth grabs her necklace tightly.

"Hey, Perc. She'll tell us when she's ready to." He nods and leans back into his chair. Soon enough he's off to sleep.

"Thanks Y/n..." Annabeth looked at you gratefully before sticking her nose into a book she found.

"Gods she's so cute..." You shake your head, "I shouldn't be thinking of this at this moment, I should think of a plan!" You mentally scold yourself.

You look at your backpack between your legs, "Of course, I tell myself to make a plan when just weeks ago I couldn't decide what shirt to wear to school..."

At the end of the second day we passed under the Gateway Arch, "I want to build something like that..." she turned to you "Have ever seen the Parthenon?"

"The temple in Athens built after their victory against the Persians?" She nods, "Sadly I've only seen it in my textbooks."

"Someday, I'm gonna see it in person. I'm going to build the greatest monument to the gods, ever." She beams at the idea.

"You? An architect?" Percy chuckles, your shoot him a glare and kick his shin under the table between the set of seats. "Ow! Sorry."

"His head is filled with seaweed. I swear." You shake your head and Annabeth giggles.

"Y/n! What happened to us being bros?!" He voice cracked.

You break out laughing, "Percy, we still are bros. I just joke around like that. Besides, when Annabeth starts making a plan you could practically hear the gears turning in her head." This time Annabeth punches you in the arm.

"Ouch." You feign being hurt, "Thine lady, you wound me so!" That got a laugh from everyone.

The bus stopped and Annabeth pulled Grover and Percy along, you followed them but stayed on the ground so you could watch the stuff.

You were fidgeting with the coin before Grover and Annabeth walked up, "Where's Percy?"

They looked up at the Arch before fire spews from the side. "Holy shit! He's still up there!" You go to run only to be held back by Annabeth. "Damnit Annabeth! I don't have time for this! I have to save him!"

She shakes her head, "You don't have any training with fight monsters."

"Neither does he!" You push past her and run up a set of stairs, soon enough you're on the top. You watch as Percy falls helplessly into the river below.

A shrill voice cackles, "The son of Poseidon! A joke!" Until her monster pet turns to you. "Another demigod brat? Well have at him." She lets go of the leash and the chimera beast runs to you.

You run forward, your feet acting on their own. You slide under the monster as you grab its underbelly. You stare in shock as the creature begins to deteriorate into dust.

"Y-you're his son!" She points an accusatory finger at you. "And you killed my sonny!" In all her fat might she charges at you. Once again your body takes over against your mind's protests to leave.

She chomps at you and once again you grab at the and the same thing happens to her that happened to the chimera.

You move to the stairs, unbeknownst to you that a family and ranger were following you into it. The broken lights leave you in darkness as you quickly regain energy.

Your senses suddenly heighten and you run down the stairs, somehow sneaking past the police and reporters. You make it to your friends who were staring up at the arch, fear taking over their minds.

"We have to leave, now." Your voice brings them to relief as they hug you tightly. "We have no damn time for this!" Your voice takes an authoritative tone. You lead them back to the train with all of your guy's stuff. Taking the seats you had earlier.

With a sigh you lean back and fall asleep as Percy retells the events.

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